Разделы презентаций

Users of the world, unite ! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media

Content1 What is Social Media?2 Classification of Social MediaCollaborative projectsBlogsContent communities Social networking sites Virtual words3. Five points about using media4. Five points about being social5. Conclusion

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of

Social Media
Presentation of Sytykh Mary and

Users of the world, unite!  The challenges and opportunities of Social MediaPresentation of Sytykh Mary and

Слайд 2Content
1 What is Social Media?
2 Classification of Social Media
Collaborative projects

Social networking sites
Virtual words
3. Five points about

using media
4. Five points about being social
5. Conclusion

Content1 What is Social Media?2 Classification of Social MediaCollaborative projectsBlogsContent communities 	Social networking sites Virtual words3. Five

Слайд 3 Firms - observers
Businesses have increasingly less control over the

information available about them in cyberspace, because consumers can speak

so freely with each other
Wikipedia, for example, expressly forbids the participation of firms in its online community
Firms - observersBusinesses have increasingly less control over the information available about them in cyberspace, because

Слайд 41 What is Social Media?
Internet is a platform to facilitate

information exchange between users
Social Media is a group of Internet-based

applications that allow the creation and exchange of User Generated Content
1 What is Social Media?Internet is a platform to facilitate information exchange between usersSocial Media is a

Слайд 5Theories
Social presence theory. The higher the social presence, the

larger the social influence that the communication partners have on

each other's behavior
Media richness theory. Media differ in the amount of information they allow to be transmitted in a given time interval
The concept of self-presentation states that in any type of social interaction people have the desire to control the impressions other people form of them
Theories Social presence theory. The higher the social presence, the larger the social influence that the communication

Слайд 62 Classification of Social Media

2 Classification of Social Media

Слайд 7Collaborative projects
Collaborative projects enable the joint and simultaneous creation of

content by many end-users and are, in this sense, probably

the most democratic manifestation of UGC
Some manufacturers use internal wikis to update employees on project status and to trade ideas
Collaborative projectsCollaborative projects enable the joint and simultaneous creation of content by many end-users and are, in

Слайд 8Using blogs
to update employees, customers, and shareholders on developments
to improve

the transparency of his company.
some customers may decide to

engage in virtual complaints in the form of protest websites or blogs
once firms encourage employees to be active on blogs, they may need to live with the consequences of staff members writing negatively about the firm.
Using blogsto update employees, customers, and shareholders on developmentsto improve the transparency of his company. some customers

Слайд 9Content communities
Content communities carry the risk of being used as

platforms for the sharing of copyright-protected materials.
On the positive

side, the high popularity of content communities makes them a very attractive contact channel for many firms.
Content communitiesContent communities carry the risk of being used as platforms for the sharing of copyright-protected materials.

Слайд 10Social networking sites
They are applications that enable users

to connect by creating personal information profiles, inviting friends and

sending instant messages between each other.
Social networking sites They are applications that enable users to connect by creating personal information profiles, inviting

Слайд 11Virtual worlds
platforms that replicate a three-dimensional environment in which users

can appear and interact with each other as they would

in real life

1. Virtual game worlds

Virtual worldsplatforms that replicate a three-dimensional environment in which users can appear and interact with each other

Слайд 12Virtual worlds
2. Virtual social worlds
allows inhabitants to choose their behavior

more freely and essentially live a virtual life similar to

their real life
Virtual worlds2. Virtual social worldsallows inhabitants to choose their behavior more freely and essentially live a virtual

Слайд 133 Five points about using media
Choose carefully
Choosing the right

medium for any given purpose depends on the target group

to be reached and the message to be communicated
Pick the application, or make your own
Sometimes, it might just be best to join an existing Social Media application. But in some cases, the right application might just not be available yet. You can create it yourself
3 Five points about using media Choose carefullyChoosing the right medium for any given purpose depends on

Слайд 143 Five points about using media
Ensure activity alignment
It is crucial

to ensure that your Social Media activities are all aligned

with each other

Media plan integration
Create your corporate image

Access for all
The first group is given administrator rights - which allows the opening of new discussion and deletion posts—while the second group is not
3 Five points about using mediaEnsure activity alignmentIt is crucial to ensure that your Social Media activities

Слайд 154 Five points about being social
Be active
If you want to

develop a relationship with someone, it is always advisable to

take the lead and to be active
Be interesting
Let's face it: nobody is interested in speaking to a boring person.
4 Five points about being socialBe activeIf you want to develop a relationship with someone, it is

Слайд 164 Five points about being social
Be humble
Before you

enter any application, first take some time to discover it

and to learn about its history and basic rules
Be unprofessional
Try to blend in with other users and don’t be afraid to make mistakes
Be honest

4 Five points about being social  Be humbleBefore you enter any application, first take some time

Слайд 17Social Media is a very active and fast-moving domain
Social Media

doesn’t come without a price
While Social Media enables the detailed

following of friends across the world, it can foster a society where we don’t know our neighbors

5 Conclusion

Social Media is a very active and fast-moving domainSocial Media doesn’t come without a priceWhile Social Media

Слайд 18Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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