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Valentine’s day Start Game Edition b y t e a c h e r – s w i t c h e r


In Slovenia many proposals occur in the fields. It happens because Saint Valentine's Day also assoсiates with...A: summer and long holidays B: spring and working in the fieldsC: winter and playing

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Слайд 1Valentine’s day
Start Game

b y t e a c h

e r – s w i t c h e

Valentine’s dayStart GameEdition b y t e a c h e r – s w i t

Слайд 2In Slovenia many proposals occur in the fields. It happens

because Saint Valentine's Day also assoсiates with...
A: summer and long


B: spring and working in the fields

C: winter and playing outside

D: autumn and gathering the crops

In Slovenia many proposals occur in the fields. It happens because Saint Valentine's Day also assoсiates with...A:

Слайд 3In Slovenia many proposals occur in the fields. It happens

because Saint Valentine's Day also associates with...
B: spring and working

in the fields
In Slovenia many proposals occur in the fields. It happens because Saint Valentine's Day also associates with...B:

Слайд 5In Latin America this day is called “Dia del Amor

y la Amistad” or the Day of love and...
B: red


C: marriage

D: friends

A: flowers

In Latin America this day is called “Dia del Amor y la Amistad” or the Day of

Слайд 6In Latin America this day is called “Dia del Amor

y la Amistad” or the Day of love and...
D: friends

In Latin America this day is called “Dia del Amor y la Amistad” or the Day of

Слайд 8South Korean tradition has women giving men chocolate on February

14th and men giving a different type of candy on

March 14th. There is also Black Day, on April 14th and those who did not receive anything celebrate their loneliness by...

B: buying black chocolate for themselves

C: eating black noodles

D: buying presents and flowers for the men
they love

A: eating a lot of ice-cream

South Korean tradition has women giving men chocolate on February 14th and men giving a different type

Слайд 9South Korean tradition has women giving men chocolate on February

14 and men giving a different type of candy on

March 14. There is also Black Day, on April 14th and those who did not receive anything celebrate their loneliness by...

C: eating black noodles

South Korean tradition has women giving men chocolate on February 14 and men giving a different type

Слайд 11On the eve of Valentine’s Day, women in England used

to place five bay leaves on their pillows to...
B: to

bring dreams of their future husbands

C: to make their house more beautiful

D: to fall in love with someone handsome

A: to have pleasant smell in their room

On the eve of Valentine’s Day, women in England used to place five bay leaves on their

Слайд 12On the eve on Valentine’s Day, women in England used

to place five bay leaves on their pillows to...
B: to

bring dreams of their future husbands
On the eve on Valentine’s Day, women in England used to place five bay leaves on their

Слайд 14One of the Italian beliefs was that the first man

a woman saw on Valentine’s Day was...
B: the man she

would merry within a year (or someone, who looks a lot like him)

C: the man, who would help her in some business

D: the man, who would merry someone soon

A: the man she should never talk to

One of the Italian beliefs was that the first man a woman saw on Valentine’s Day was...B:

Слайд 15B: the man she would merry within a year (or

someone, who looks a lot like him)

One of the

Italian beliefs was that the first man a woman saw on Valentine’s Day was...
B: the man she would merry within a year (or someone, who looks a lot like him)

Слайд 17Today one of the most popular Valentine's Day gifts in

Italy is Baci Perugina, which are
B: red and pink cards

with greetings

C: delicious heart-shaped marshmallows

D: chocolate-covered hazelnuts wrapped with a romantic quote printed in four languages

A: yellow flowers with long green leaves

Today one of the most popular Valentine's Day gifts in Italy is Baci Perugina, which areB: red

Слайд 18Today one of the most popular Valentine's Day gifts in

Italy is Baci Perugina, which are
D: chocolate-covered hazelnuts wrapped with

a romantic quote printed in four languages
Today one of the most popular Valentine's Day gifts in Italy is Baci Perugina, which areD: chocolate-covered

Слайд 20Like any other country, Bulgaria celebrates Valentine’s Day in its

own style. On 14 February, San Trifon Zartan is celebrated

in Bulgaria, which means “day of winemakers”. Young and old couples celebrate their love...

B: breaking glasses and laughing

C: drinking a lot of wine and dancing

D: making wine themselves

A: drinking a glass of wonderful local wine

Like any other country, Bulgaria celebrates Valentine’s Day in its own style. On 14 February, San Trifon

Слайд 21Like any other country, Bulgaria celebrates Valentine’s Day in its

own style. On 14 February, San Trifon Zartan is celebrated

in Bulgaria, which means “day of winemakers”. Young and old couples celebrate their love...

A: drinking a glass of wonderful local wine

Like any other country, Bulgaria celebrates Valentine’s Day in its own style. On 14 February, San Trifon

Слайд 23In Germany lovers exchange not only chocolates, flowers, and heart

shaped gifts, but a special something else for this celebration,

it is a...

B: soap, to smell and feel good

C: pig, which represents luck and lust

D: sock, to match with a sock of their partner.

A: calendar, to count how many days the couple spent together

In Germany lovers exchange not only chocolates, flowers, and heart shaped gifts, but a special something else

Слайд 24In Germany lovers exchange not only chocolates, flowers, and heart

shaped gifts, but a special something else for this celebration,

it is a...

C: pig, which represents luck and lust

In Germany lovers exchange not only chocolates, flowers, and heart shaped gifts, but a special something else

Слайд 26Germans also prepare big ginger cookies in heart shapes which

contain romantic phrases and messages like “Ich liebe dich”. This

phrase means...

B: I wish you a lot of happiness and love

C: I think you are charming

D: I love you

A: I want to eat this cookie with you

Germans also prepare big ginger cookies in heart shapes which contain romantic phrases and messages like “Ich

Слайд 27Germans also prepare big ginger cookies in heart shapes which

contain romantic phrases and messages like “Ich liebe dich”. This

phrase means...

D: I love you

Germans also prepare big ginger cookies in heart shapes which contain romantic phrases and messages like “Ich

Слайд 29For Japanese people, Valentine’s Day is all about ... Women

usually present it to their friends, male coworkers and someone

they love.

B: Bananas

C: Black tea with a lemon

D: Chocolate

A: Noodles and sushi

For Japanese people, Valentine’s Day is all about ... Women usually present it to their friends, male

Слайд 30For Japanese people, Valentine’s Day is all about ... Women

usually present it to their friends, male coworkers and someone

they love.

D: Chocolate

For Japanese people, Valentine’s Day is all about ... Women usually present it to their friends, male

Слайд 32Surprisingly, America’s most popular Valentine’s Day candy isn’t a box

of chocolates, but the little conversation hearts with messages like...

'Don't look at me' and 'I don't like you'

C: 'Be mine' and 'Kiss me'

D:  'Happy holidays' and 'Let it snow'

A: 'I will find you' and 'Be careful'

Surprisingly, America’s most popular Valentine’s Day candy isn’t a box of chocolates, but the little conversation hearts

Слайд 33Surprisingly, America’s most popular Valentine’s Day candy isn’t a box

of chocolates, but the little conversation hearts with messages like...

'Be mine' and 'Kiss me'
Surprisingly, America’s most popular Valentine’s Day candy isn’t a box of chocolates, but the little conversation hearts

Слайд 35Great Britain started the tradition of giving roses on Valentine’s

Day. The flower is traditionally seen as the favorite of

Venus, the Roman goddess of...

B: Love

A: Happiness

С: Hunt

D: Fortune

Great Britain started the tradition of giving roses on Valentine’s Day. The flower is traditionally seen as

Слайд 36B: Love
Great Britain started the tradition of giving roses on

Valentine’s Day. The flower is traditionally seen as the favorite

of Venus, the Roman goddess of...
B: LoveGreat Britain started the tradition of giving roses on Valentine’s Day. The flower is traditionally seen

Слайд 37125000$


Слайд 38In the USA the most common Valentine's Day symbols are

the heart, particularly in reds and pinks, and pictures or

models of...

B: Shrek

C: Cupid

D: Santa

A: Zeus

In the USA the most common Valentine's Day symbols are the heart, particularly in reds and pinks,

Слайд 39In the USA the most common Valentine's Day symbols are

the heart, particularly in reds and pinks, and pictures or

models of...

C: Cupid

In the USA the most common Valentine's Day symbols are the heart, particularly in reds and pinks,

Слайд 40250000$


Слайд 41In South Africa young women pin the name of their

crush to their... This tradition is based on Roman festival

of Lupercalia and its aim is to show your love to all the people.

B: Sock

C: Hat

D: Purse

A: Sleeve

In South Africa young women pin the name of their crush to their... This tradition is based

Слайд 42In South Africa young women pin the name of their

crush to their... This tradition is based on Roman festival

of Lupercalia and its aim is to show your love to all the people.

A: Sleeve

In South Africa young women pin the name of their crush to their... This tradition is based

Слайд 43500000$


Слайд 44Giving flowers to your beloved is very important in Taiwan.

Red roses are preferred over other flowers. Number of red

roses given to your beloved are significant. For example, one red rose means “an only love”, while eleven roses mean “a favourite”. Ninety-nine roses mean “forever”, while one hundred and eight roses mean...

B: 'Marry me'

A: 'I want to break up with you'

С: 'You look nice'

D: 'We should become friends'

Giving flowers to your beloved is very important in Taiwan. Red roses are preferred over other flowers.

Слайд 45Giving flowers to your beloved is very important in Taiwan.

Red roses are preferred over other flowers. Number of red

roses given to your beloved are significant. For example, one red rose means “an only love”, while eleven roses mean “a favourite”. Ninety-nine roses mean “forever”, while one hundred and eight roses mean...

B: 'Marry me'

Giving flowers to your beloved is very important in Taiwan. Red roses are preferred over other flowers.

Слайд 461 000 000$

1 000 000$

Слайд 471 000 000$

1 000 000$

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