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Your Name Sounds Familiar: A collection of eponyms. Volume #1, “Bad Habits”

VOCABULARY: EPONYMSWords in all languages have various origins. Perhaps one of the most exciting ways for a lexical unit to come into being is being named after a person. (But hey,

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Слайд 1Your Name Sounds Familiar:
A collection of eponyms.
Volume #1,
“Bad Habits”.

Your Name Sounds Familiar:A collection of eponyms.Volume #1,“Bad Habits”.

Words in all languages have various origins. Perhaps one

of the most exciting ways for a lexical unit to

come into being is being named after a person. (But hey, we didn’t ask words if it’s true.) Such words are called “eponyms”. Here are some.
VOCABULARY: EPONYMSWords in all languages have various origins. Perhaps one of the most exciting ways for a

This is Jean Nicot (1530-1604). He was a French diplomat

and scholar. Nicot brought snuff tobacco to the French royal

court and promoted its medicinal applications. The weed really caught on and was named after him by Carl Linnaeus, as was the substance. In our opinion, it gives Nicot a bad name. However, he also contributed to language in a good way: Nicot compiled one of the first dictionaries of French.
NICOTINEThis is Jean Nicot (1530-1604). He was a French diplomat and scholar. Nicot brought snuff tobacco to

This is Marquis de Sade (1740-1814). He was a French

nobleman, revolutionary politician, philosopher, and writer. De Sade wrote about

deriving pleasure from violence, which is not right in our opinion. He was persecuted for his ideas and lived an unconforming life. However controversial the person, a common modern word is derived from de Sade’s name.
SADISMThis is Marquis de Sade (1740-1814). He was a French nobleman, revolutionary politician, philosopher, and writer. De

This is Charles C. Boycott (1832-1897). He was an English

and Irish land agent. During the Irish Land War Boycott

demanded some payments and threatened to evict several tenants, who were unable to pay due to the poor harvest. In 1880 Boycott was deliberately shun and refused any services. He had to leave Ireland. The protesters made a point and cost the government a lot of pounds. (The war wasn’t over with that.)
BOYCOTTThis is Charles C. Boycott (1832-1897). He was an English and Irish land agent. During the Irish

This is Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798). He was an was an

Italian adventurer and author from the Republic of Venice. Casanova

reflects the customs and norms of the era and is associated with royalty and luminaries like Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He became so famous for his often complicated and elaborate affairs with women that his name is now synonymous with "womanizer".
BOYCOTTThis is Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798). He was an was an Italian adventurer and author from the Republic

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