Разделы презентаций

Up-to-date diagnostic methods


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Ophthalmology: our resources

Ophthalmology:  our resources

Слайд 2Up-to-date diagnostic methods

Up-to-date diagnostic methods

Слайд 3Optical Coherence Tomography
Stratus OCT
Non-invasive optical diagnostic techniques that would provide

images of high resolution for the measurement and diagnosis of

ocular tissues, it useful for management and follow-up of eye pathology

Optical Coherence TomographyStratus OCTNon-invasive optical diagnostic techniques that would provide images of high resolution for the measurement

Слайд 4Optical Coherence Tomography of anterior eye segment
Visante OCT

Optical Coherence Tomography of anterior eye segmentVisante OCT

Слайд 5OCT of anterior eye segment
provides high-resolution anterior chamber images;
measurement of

anterior segment ocular structures,
including anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior chamber

angles, corneal thickness
allows to evaluate
the potential risk of glaucoma, complications for cataract surgery
OCT of anterior eye segmentprovides high-resolution anterior chamber images;measurement of anterior segment ocular structures,	including anterior chamber depth

Слайд 6The Non-Mydriatic Fundus Camera System from Carl Zeiss

The Non-Mydriatic Fundus Camera System from Carl Zeiss

Слайд 7The Non-Mydriatic Fundus Camera
Brilliant true color retinal images
Automontage for panoramic

retinal overviews
Documentation of the results and possibility of subsequent management

of the disease

The Non-Mydriatic Fundus Camera

The Non-Mydriatic Fundus CameraBrilliant true color retinal imagesAutomontage for panoramic retinal overviewsDocumentation of the results and possibility

Слайд 8 Ultrasound eye examination

Ultrasound eye examination

Слайд 9Fluorescein angiography

Fluorescein angiography

Слайд 10Ophthalmosurgery


Слайд 11Operating- room

Operating- room

Слайд 12Highly skilled ophthalmosurgeons

Highly skilled ophthalmosurgeons

Слайд 13Phacoemulsification cataract surgery
Microincision (less 2,4 mm) – without sutures;

of post-operative astigmatism
Decrease of possible intra- and post-operative complications

Phacoemulsification cataract surgery Microincision (less 2,4 mm) – without sutures;   Decrease of post-operative astigmatismDecrease of possible intra- and

Слайд 14Infiniti
Premium-class phacomashines

InfinitiAccurusPremium-class phacomashines

Слайд 15Phacoemulsification of different types of cataract

Phacoemulsification of different types of cataract

Слайд 16 Phacoemulsification cataract «with water»

Phacoemulsification cataract  «with water»

Слайд 17IOL-master for IOL power calculation
Quickly and accurately!

IOL-master  for IOL power calculationQuickly and accurately!

Слайд 18Excellent vision at multiple distances
Acrysof IQ ReSTOR +3,0D:
vision at

near, intermediate and distance
not needing glasses
AcrySof® ReSTOR®

Excellent vision  at multiple distances Acrysof IQ ReSTOR +3,0D: vision at near, intermediate and distancenot needing glasses

Слайд 19Toric IOL for precise astigmatism correction 
mark the cornea prior to


Toric IOL for precise astigmatism correction mark the cornea prior to implantation…

Слайд 20New quality of vision
Toric IOL

New quality of visionToric IOL

Слайд 21Mark the cornea prior to implantation
With the patient sitting upright

and looking at a distance target, the cornea is marked

at the 3:00 and 9:00 positions
Mark the cornea prior to implantationWith the patient sitting upright and looking at a distance target, the

Слайд 22In operating-room

In operating-room

Слайд 24Implantation of IOL with sulcus fixation
In cases:
after eye trauma

post-operative aphakia
in zonulla thickness

Implantation of IOL with sulcus fixationIn cases: after eye traumain post-operative aphakiain zonulla thickness

Слайд 25Vitreo-retinal surgery

Vitreo-retinal surgery

Слайд 27Accurus


Слайд 28Vitrectomy with endolasercoagulation
До операции
После операции

Vitrectomy with endolasercoagulationДо операцииПосле операции

Слайд 29Before surgery
After Surgery

Before surgeryAfter Surgery

Слайд 30Corneal transplantation
Endothelial-epithelial corneal dystrophy
scarring due to keratitis

Corneal transplantationKeratoconusEndothelial-epithelial corneal dystrophy scarring due to keratitis

Слайд 31Penetrating keratoplasty
Before surgery
After surgery

Penetrating keratoplastyBefore surgeryAfter surgery

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