out the text which is going to be read and
crumples it. He/she divides the class into groups and gives each group one crumpled version of the text. Students are not allowed to move the paper but they can move themselves trying to read some words, phrases, sentences. They take notes of whatever they are able to read and in a group discussion try to guess the main idea of the text.
- students trying to read some words, phrases, sentences and try to guess the main idea of the text. find the lesson topic
Teacher assess learners with stickers: You are smart! You are shine! You are super!
(W) While – reading. “Topic Sentences” strategy
Each paragraph stands for one main idea. Students are asked to find the topic sentence and explain how it describes the whole reading passage and the given paragraph.
read the text, understand the meaning
find the key sentence through the text
Group assessment: They evaluated each other using the “Thumbs up, middle or down” assess (If they get it, thumbs
up. If they are not sure, thumbs middle, if they don't get it, thumbs down)
(G) Post – reading “Discussions” strategy
Learners in groups are given a set of statements to discuss. They are read the statements and decide which natural remedy they are about.
read the statements and find the correct answer.
Verbal assessment: I can do this. I’m getting their. I need help