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Global coronavirus deaths pass 1m with no sign rate is slowing

The number of people who have died from Covid-19 has exceeded 1 million, according to a tally of cases maintained by Johns Hopkins UniversityInfections are on the rise again

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Слайд 1Global coronavirus deaths pass 1m with no sign rate is


Global coronavirus deaths pass 1m with no sign rate is slowing

Слайд 2The number of people who have died from Covid-19 has

exceeded 1 million, according to a tally of cases maintained

by Johns Hopkins University

Infections are on the rise again

The number of people who have died from Covid-19 has exceeded 1 million, according to a tally

Слайд 3But the official figure probably underestimates the true total, a

senior World Health Organization official said on Monday.
“If anything, the

numbers currently reported probably represent an underestimate of those individuals who have either contracted Covid-19 or died as a cause of it,” Mike Ryan, the WHO’s top emergencies expert, told a briefing in Geneva.

But the official figure probably underestimates the true total, a senior World Health Organization official said on

Слайд 4The virus continues its spread across the world, with more

than 33 million confirmed cases in 188 countries.
The virus appears

to be spreading much faster in India than elsewhere, with the country recording about 90,000 cases a day earlier in September.
India has maintained a relatively low death rate, however, given the size of its population.

The virus continues its spread across the world, with more than 33 million confirmed cases in 188

Слайд 5The fewest deaths per day since then were recorded in

May with an average of 4,449 deaths and August the

heaviest toll with 5,652 daily fatalities.
The fewest deaths per day since then were recorded in May with an average of 4,449 deaths

Слайд 6Governments across the world have been forced to limit public

movement and close businesses and venues in a bid to

slow the spread of the virus. This has had a devastating impact on the global economy.
Damage to the world's major economies is four times worse than the 2009 global financial crisis, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Meanwhile, the United Nations has said that up to 265 million people could face starvation by the end of the year because of the impact of Covid-19.

Governments across the world have been forced to limit public movement and close businesses and venues in

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