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Home Secretary Theresa May announced that MI5 had raised the risk level to the

The official threat level of a terror attack on Britain from Northern Ireland has been increased from moderate to substantial.Home Secretary Theresa May announced MI5 had raised the risk to the

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Слайд 1Home Secretary Theresa May announced that MI5 had raised the

risk level to the third most serious category today

Home Secretary Theresa May announced that MI5 had raised the risk level to the third most serious

Слайд 2The official threat level of a terror attack on Britain

from Northern Ireland has been increased from moderate to substantial.


Secretary Theresa May announced MI5 had raised the risk to the third most serious category today, meaning a terrorist attack is seen as a "strong possibility".

Mrs May said the move "reflects the continuing threat from Dissident Republican activity".

In a statement to the House of Commons, she said: "As a result of this change, we are working closely with the police and other relevant authorities to ensure appropriate security measures are in place."
The official threat level of a terror attack on Britain from Northern Ireland has been increased from

Слайд 3The threat level to the UK from international terrorism remains

at severe - meaning an attack is "highly likely".

This has

not been changed.

Read more: Trafford Centre 'terror attack': Full detail on how SAS and police countered mock suicide bombers and gunmen

Mrs May said the threat level to Northern Ireland from Northern Ireland-related terrorism is also unchanged at severe.

She added: "The public should remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the police."
The threat level to the UK from international terrorism remains at severe - meaning an attack is

Слайд 4MI5, the Secret Intelligence Service building in London pictured, has

raised the risk to the third most serious level

MI5, the Secret Intelligence Service building in London pictured, has raised the risk to the third most

Слайд 5
performed work 207 cadet platoon Anastasia Goncharova
Thank you for your

attention :)

performed work 207 cadet platoon Anastasia GoncharovaThank you for your attention :)

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