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In today's world there is still no agreement about …… The problem of …… is very

In every city and town there are many fast food restaurants and they are rather popular among the citizens. In today's world there is still no agreement about eating fast food.On

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1In today's world there is still no agreement about ……

The problem of …… is very important nowadays
On the

one hand, there are some advantages in ….
To begin with, Firstly… - as a result
Furthermore, Secondly
Moreover, What is more, Thirdly
On the other hand, there are also lots of disadvantages (minuses, negative points, downsides)
All in all … may arouse mixed feelings
In conclusion, in spite of some minuses there are more advantages in … and every person decides for himself to ….. or not.
In today's world there is still no agreement about …… The problem of …… is very important

Слайд 2In every city and town there are many fast food

restaurants and they are rather popular among the citizens.

today's world there is still no agreement about eating fast food.

On the one hand, there are some advantages in visiting such restaurants as KFC and pizzerias.

Firstly ,you can be served very quickly

- as a result you save a lot of time on more important things.

Secondly, the food is rather tasty.

It cannot be denied that the majority of people like French fries, hamburgers and pizzas.

Finally, parents can organize some parties for kids there

for example a birthday or schoolleaving party, etc.

– the hall can be beautifully decorated with balloons, toys and ribbons.

In every city and town there are many fast food restaurants and they are rather popular among

Слайд 3On the other hand, there are also lots of disadvantages.

begin with, eating a lot of junk food you may

become overweight very soon

and it is known that to lose weight is much more difficult than to gain it

Many people believe that it is not at all easy to keep to a diet.

Furthermore, the quality of food is often not very high,

consequently, you may have some health problems

for example with the stomach or liver.

In conclusion, in spite of some pluses there are more disadvantages in eating in fast food restaurants and every person decides for himself to visit them or not.

On the other hand, there are also lots of disadvantages.To begin with, eating a lot of junk

Слайд 4In every city and town there are many fast food

restaurants and they are rather popular among the citisens.

today's world there is still no agreement about eating fast food.
On the one hand, there are some advantages in visiting such restaurants as KFC and pizzerias.
Firstly ,you can be served very quickly - as a result you save a lot of time on more important things.
Secondly, the food is rather tasty. It cannot be denied that the majority of people like French fries, hamburgers and pizzas.
Finally, parents can organize some parties for kids there, for example a birthday or schoolleaving party, etc. – the hall can be beautifully decorated with balloons, toys and ribbons.
On the other hand, there are also lots of disadvantages.
To begin with, eating a lot of junk food you may become overweight very soon and it is known that to lose weight is much more difficult than to gain it. Many people believe that it is not at all easy to keep to a diet.
Furthermore, the quality of food is often not very high, consequently, you may have some health problems, for example with the stomach or liver.
In conclusion, in spite of some pluses there are more disadvantages in eating in fast food restaurants and every person decides for himself to visit them or not.
In every city and town there are many fast food restaurants and they are rather popular among

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