Data Analysis and statistical forecasting.
Operation Level of the company is normally highly structured and predefined.
Dynamic and what-if features.
Run The Company
Clerical documents, schedules, mail, manuals, etc.
Functional information systems support the organization, processes and business model.
Enterprise Wide Environment – All business units.
The primary goal of TPS is to provide all the information needed to keep the business running properly and efficiently.
Service Request
Receiving Inventory
The flow of information in a typical TPS transaction, such as a customer purchase or receiving inventory.
The production and operations management (POM) function in an organization is responsible for the processes that transform inputs into useful outputs. In comparison to the other functional areas, POM is very diversified as are the supporting TPS. It also differs considerably among organizations.
Logistics management deals with ordering, purchasing, inbound logistics (receiving), and outbound logistics (shipping) activities. These logistical activities cross several primary and secondary activities on the value chain.
Managing Production/Operations & Logistics
POM planning is a major component of operational systems.
Managing Production/Operations & Logistics
CIM is a concept that promotes the integration of various computerized factory systems. It has three basic goals: (1) the simplification of all manufacturing technologies and techniques, (2) automation of as many of the manufacturing processes as possible, and (3) integration and coordination of all aspects of design, manufacturing, and related functions via computer hardware and software.
Managing Production/Operations & Logistics
Managing Production/Operations & Logistics
This electronic-based collaboration can
reduce product cost
travel expenses
reduce costs associated with product-change management
reduce the time it takes to get a product to market
Some of the channel-system activities are:
customer relations
distribution channels and in-store innovations
marketing management
Customer Profiles and Preference Analysis. Sophisticated information systems are being developed to collect data on existing and potential customers, their demographics (age, gender, income level), and preferences.
Prospective Customer Lists and Marketing Databases. All firms need to know and track who their existing and potential customers are. These prospective-customer lists can be analyzed and sorted by classification for direct mailing, e-mailing, or telemarketing.
Mass Customization. Today’s customers prefer customized products. Through mass customization, the practice of maintaining WIP inventory, manufacturers can offer different product configurations at reasonable prices.
Personalization. Special product offers are made, based on where the customer spent their time and on what they may have purchased.
Advertising and Promotions. Special promotions, coupons are presented to the customer via mails, email, wireless and pervasive computing applications.
Marketing and Sales Systems
IT-Supported Distribution Channels
Location Based Mapping
Self-service convenience stores
Improving Shopping and Checkout at Retail Stores
Hand-held wireless devices that scan the bar code UPC
Smart card or credit card
Information kiosk enable customers to view catalogs in stores
Self-checkout machines
Check-writers attached to cash registers
Computerization of various activities in retail stores
Video-based systems count and track shoppers in a physical store
Marketing and Sales Systems
Marketing and Sales Systems
Financial Planning and Budgeting
Financial and Economic Forecasting
Planning for Incoming Funds
Capital Budgeting
Managing Financial Transactions
Financial and Economic Forecasting
Planning for Incoming Funds
Capital Budgeting
Recruitment is finding employees, testing them, and deciding which ones to hire. The Web has enhanced the recruitment process.
Position Inventory
HRM Portals and Salary Surveys
Employee Selection
Human Resources Maintenance and Development
Performance Evaluation
Training and Human Resources Development
Types of CRM
Operational CRM is related to typical business functions involving customer services, order management, invoice/billing, etc.
Analytical CRM involves capture and analysis of customer data.
Collaborative CRM deals with all the communication, coordination, and collaboration between vendors and customers.
Scope of eCRM
Foundational services, the minimum necessary services such as order fulfillment.
Customer-centered services such as order tracking.
Value-added services such as online information.
CRM Activities
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