Разделы презентаций

Intresting facts

1The island of Manhattan was purchased by a Dutch explorer Peter Minuite from an Indian tribe for $ 24.

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Слайд 1Intresting facts

Intresting facts

Слайд 2 1
The island of

Manhattan was purchased by a Dutch explorer Peter Minuite from

an Indian tribe for $ 24.

1The island of Manhattan was purchased by a Dutch explorer

Слайд 3

Until 1664, New York was

called New Amsterdam.
2 Until 1664,

Слайд 4 3
New York consists

of five districts: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Staten

3New York consists of five districts: the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens,

Слайд 5 4
Almost all bridges

and tunnels in New York are paid. Directions - $

4Almost all bridges and tunnels in New York are paid.

Слайд 6 5
in New York

wages from waiters are often not at all, and they

work exclusively for a tip.
5in New York wages from waiters are often not at

Слайд 7

Every passerby in New York can become a hero of

the film. Every year more than 200 pictures are shot in the city. 

6Every passerby in New York can become

Слайд 8

In New York, about 25% of the

world's gold bullion reserves are stored.

They are at a depth of 24 meters under the branch of the Federal Reserve Bank on Wall Street.

7In New York, about

Слайд 9 8
New York is

called the Great Apple. There are several versions of the

nickname. The most common is that black jazzmen gave this name to New York.
8New York is called the Great Apple. There are several

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