Разделы презентаций

Methods in behavioral genetics

Genes are functional fragments of DNA which are responsible for the structure of a protein or a RNA molecule.How does the hereditary information turns into body traits?The process of genetic information

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What are genes and how do they work-2?
Methods in behavioral


What are genes and how do they work-2?Methods in behavioral genetics

Слайд 2Genes are functional fragments of DNA which are responsible for

the structure of a protein or a RNA molecule.

How does

the hereditary information turns into body traits?

The process of genetic information conversion to individual properties is called the protein synthesis, which one includes several stages and involves both RNA and DNA.

Synthetic reactions occur partially in the nucleus but principally in cytoplasm.

Genes are functional fragments of DNA which are responsible for the structure of a protein or a

Слайд 3Proteins roles in the human body
Why proteins do matter?

because of their participation in a lot of processes and

structures in our body.
Proteins roles in the human bodyWhy proteins do matter? It because of their participation in a lot

Слайд 4Principles of DNA and RNA complementarity

Principles of DNA and RNA complementarity

Слайд 5RNA types roles in protein synthesis
Protein Synthesis (Updated)

RNA types roles in protein synthesisProtein Synthesis (Updated)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oefAI2x2CQM

Слайд 6TRANSCRIPTION: (nucleus)

- DNA unzips, using the enzyme, helicase, which

unwinds it and breaks the hydrogen bonds.

- CBP (complementary

base pairing) occurs when RNA nucleotides move into place with A→U, T → A, G → C, and C → G.

- The RNA nucleotides rejoins, using the enzyme, RNA polymerase.
TRANSCRIPTION: (nucleus) - DNA unzips, using the enzyme, helicase, which unwinds it and breaks the hydrogen bonds.

Слайд 7Genes contain sections of DNA called introns, which are interruptions

and are removed by ribozymes, and exons (expression), which get

expressed or become the protein.


Genes contain sections of DNA called introns, which are interruptions and are removed by ribozymes, and exons

Слайд 8TRANSLATION: (ribosome)

- Once the mRNA has let the nucleus,

it gets associated with ribosomes;

- mRNA binds to smaller ribosomal

subunit, then the larger subunit joins.
TRANSLATION: (ribosome) - Once the mRNA has let the nucleus, it gets associated with ribosomes;- mRNA binds

Слайд 9polypeptide lengthens 1 amino acid at a time;
the ribosome

is large enough for 2 + RNA molecules, 1 coming,

1 outgoing.

- a stop codon does not have a special tRNA molecule so this allows the mRNA to "fall off" the ribosome and the ribosome to break into 2 subunits.

polypeptide lengthens 1 amino acid at a time; the ribosome is large enough for 2 + RNA

Слайд 10- Several ribosomes, called a polysome, move along a strand

of mRNA at once, so several polypeptides of the same

type can be made at once using one mRNA molecule.
- Several ribosomes, called a polysome, move along a strand of mRNA at once, so several polypeptides

Слайд 11PROTEIN structuring: (ribosome)
1. peptide bonds
2. α-helix or β

sheet by H-bond
3. 3D structure covalent bonds between R-groups

4. several polypeptides

PROTEIN structuring: (ribosome) 1. peptide bonds 2. α-helix or β sheet by H-bond 3. 3D structure covalent

Слайд 12That is all about genes and traits, thank you
Gene Regulation

and the Order of the Operon
Protein Structure and Folding

That is all about genes and traits, thank youGene Regulation and the Order of the Operonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_1QLdtF8d0Protein Structure

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