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МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное

Among foreign and Russian researchers D. Horowitz, L. Snyder, Ryabtsev V. N., Grigorievа Yu. G.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Южный федеральный университет» ИНСТИТУТ

СОЦИОЛОГИИ И РЕГИОНОВЕДЕНИЯ 41.04.01 - Зарубежное регионоведение secession conflicts in social Sciences

Ростов-на-Дону 2018

Graduate student Ermilova Irina

МИНОБРНАУКИ РОССИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное  учреждение высшего образования «Южный федеральный университет»  ИНСТИТУТ СОЦИОЛОГИИ И

Слайд 2Among foreign and Russian researchers D. Horowitz, L. Snyder, Ryabtsev

V. N., Grigorievа Yu. G.

Among foreign and Russian researchers D. Horowitz, L. Snyder, Ryabtsev V. N., Grigorievа Yu. G.

Слайд 3Horowitz believes that…
The growth of secession conflicts is quite a

natural phenomenon of the post-war period. This is one of

the possible strategies of the peoples to defend justice and defend themselves against the threats that have been faced by national minorities in Europe during the war period
Horowitz believes that…The growth of secession conflicts is quite a natural phenomenon of the post-war period. This

Слайд 4Ryabtsev, in turn, considered…
such conflicts structurally and identified a number

of basic criteria, such as the depth of tension between

the subjects in retrospect, high cruelty and their impact on international security and others.
Ryabtsev, in turn, considered…such conflicts structurally and identified a number of basic criteria, such as the depth

Слайд 5Snyder links…
secession and separatism, showing that one of the key

points of such conflicts is the political struggle for full

independence and the refusal to compromise.
Snyder links…secession and separatism, showing that one of the key points of such conflicts is the political

Слайд 6"secession" " secession conflict" and "separatism"

Слайд 7secession is the separation of a part of a territory

from a given state by the decision of its population

or the authorities acting in that territory;
exit from the state of any administrative-territorial unit, and from the Federal state-its subject by decision of the population, adopted by referendum, or the authorities of the unit, subject.

secession is the separation of a part of a territory from a given state by the decision

Слайд 8secession conflict is a clash of interests, opinions on the

axis of "center-periphery" on its (periphery) legal, cultural, territorial and

international status
secession conflict is a clash of interests, opinions on the axis of

Слайд 9separatism is an image, activity, principle or practice developed for

a complete exit from a centralized political organism. He notes

that extremist activists deny autonomy or semi-autonomy, considering them insufficient measures, calling for full separation
separatism is an image, activity, principle or practice developed for a complete exit from a centralized political

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