Разделы презентаций

much-many-game 5 teacher switcher

Hi there!Let’s have a look at the sketches!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 3Hi there!
Let’s have a look at the sketches!

Hi there!Let’s have a look at the sketches!

Слайд 4She is drinking _______________ water.
too much

She is drinking _______________ water.too much

Слайд 5There’s ____________ noise here.
too much

There’s ____________ noise here.too much

Слайд 6There are _________ cars in this highway.
too many

There are _________ cars in this highway.too many

Слайд 7This car is ________ old.

This car is ________ old.too

Слайд 8There are _________ people in this train.
too many

There are _________ people in this train.too many

Слайд 9There’s ____________ money here.
too much

There’s ____________ money here.too much

Слайд 10There are _________ calories in this burger.
too many

There are _________ calories in this burger.too many

Слайд 11There’s ____________ snow here.
too much

There’s ____________ snow here.too much

Слайд 12This chair is ________ high.

This chair is ________ high.too

Слайд 13There are _________ books here.
too many

There are _________ books here.too many

Слайд 14This house is ________ small for her.

This house is ________ small for her.too

Слайд 15She’s eating ____________ food.
too much

She’s eating ____________ food.too much

Слайд 16This boy is ________ young to drive this car.

This boy is ________ young to drive this car.too

Слайд 17There are _________ babies in this room.
too many

There are _________ babies in this room.too many

Слайд 18This watch is ________ big.

This watch is ________ big.too EXIT

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