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My Kitten

. Sergik likes to play with mice. He likes dainties very much. He fondles on me after its eating.Sergik likes to play …

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 My Kitten
I have a kitten. His name is

Sergik. He is grey. His ears are so funny! Sometimes

they stay in a funny manner, but sometimes they hang like an elephant. His paws are soft and his tail always stays. He purrs very dearly.
My Kitten I have a kitten. His name is Sergik. He is grey. His ears are

Слайд 2. Sergik likes to play with mice. He likes dainties

very much. He fondles on me after its eating.
Sergik likes

to play …
. Sergik likes to play with mice. He likes dainties very much. He fondles on me after

Слайд 3One day Sergik went for a walk and had a

real adventure. He climbed up the tree. He was going

to catch a sparrow, but he fell down. He was frightened and climbed up the tree again. Then he sat on the tree for a long time, because he was afraid to fall again. He didn't watch sparrows. In the evening Sergik wanted to eat and he came home.

One day …

One day Sergik went for a walk and had a real adventure. He climbed up the tree.

Слайд 4Sergik is the best kitten in the world.
My kitten likes

to sleep very much. He finds soft place and lies

down there. Only his nose sticks out. To my mind, my Sergik is the best kitten in the world.
Sergik is the best kitten in the world.My kitten likes to sleep very much. He finds soft

Слайд 5Questions :
What is the kitty‘s name ?
His favorite pastime.
What he

likes to eat?
What is the idea of ​​the story?

Questions :What is the kitty‘s name ?His favorite pastime.What he likes to eat?What is the idea of

Слайд 6Goodbay !

Goodbay !

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