Разделы презентаций

No to addiction!!!

About alcohol and smoking.Do you think, that person, who smoke and drink alcohol, look older, than person, who doesn’t do it? Do you think, that alcohol is very bad for your

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1No to addiction!!!

No to addiction!!!

Слайд 2About alcohol and smoking.
Do you think, that person, who smoke

and drink alcohol, look older, than person, who doesn’t do

Do you think, that alcohol is very bad for your health? And what about smoking?

About alcohol and smoking.Do you think, that person, who smoke and drink alcohol, look older, than person,

Слайд 3Addiction to something.
Do you think, that addiction to something is

dangerous to your health and to your mind?

Addiction to something.Do you think, that addiction to something is dangerous to your health and to your

Слайд 4Special diagram.

Special diagram.

Слайд 5Thinking…
Smoking, drugs, alcohol are not only bad habits! They are

dangerous habits, which interfere to life, cause great harm to

health, psychology and even to the people who are close to you…
Thinking…Smoking, drugs, alcohol are not only bad habits! They are dangerous habits, which interfere to life, cause

Слайд 6See the difference?
If your health suffer, it affects not only

internally, but also externally. Bad skin, being tired, all this

are consequences of bad habits!!!
See the difference? If your health suffer, it affects not only internally, but also externally. Bad skin, being

Слайд 7What is happiness?
Ice-cream, fun, sky, dancing, sun, grass, rain,

snow, smiles, shopping, first love, boyfriend, kiss, friends, family, toys!!!

It is also happiness!!!
What is happiness? Ice-cream, fun, sky, dancing, sun, grass, rain, snow, smiles, shopping, first love, boyfriend, kiss,

Слайд 8Make a choice:)

Make a choice:)

Слайд 10We hope, that we have helped you, make the right


We hope, that we have helped you, make the right conclusion:)

Слайд 11 Thank you for your attention!:)

Thank you for your attention!:)

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