Разделы презентаций

O -alkylation catalysts

PlanIntroduction;O-Alkylation;Acid and heterogeneous catalysts;Conclusion

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1O-alkylation catalysts
Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
Department of physical chemistry, catalysis and

Performed by Abdrassilova A.K.
Abik N.A.
Kurmangaliyeva A.B.
Otynshiyev Y.B.
Speciality: Petrochemistry
Checked by Pavlenko


Almaty, 2019

O-alkylation catalystsAl-Farabi Kazakh national universityDepartment of physical chemistry, catalysis and petrochemistryPerformed by Abdrassilova A.K.Abik N.A.Kurmangaliyeva A.B.Otynshiyev Y.B.Speciality:

Слайд 2Plan
Acid and heterogeneous catalysts;

PlanIntroduction;O-Alkylation;Acid and heterogeneous catalysts;Conclusion

Слайд 3O-alkylation
Alkylation by O, S, and N atoms is the main

method for the synthesis of ether-bonded compounds, mercaptans and amines.

the processes of O-alkylation, two have gained practical importance:
alkylation of alcohols and phenols by chlorine derivatives;
alkylation of alcohols with olefins.
As alkylating agents are used:
halogen derivatives;
unsaturated compounds;
alcohols and ethers of sulfuric and sulfonic acids.
O-alkylation	Alkylation by O, S, and N atoms is the main method for the synthesis of ether-bonded compounds,

Слайд 4Catalysts of O-alkylation

Catalysts of O-alkylation

Слайд 5Acid catalysts

Acid catalysts

Слайд 6Heterogeneous catalysts
Active alkylation catalysts are heterogeneous catalysts aluminum oxide, modified

boron trifluoride, zeolites containing rare earth elements.
Heterogeneous catalysts are devoid

of the above disadvantages, but their activity is significantly lower, which implies the process at higher temperatures:
In the liquid-phase process using ion-exchange resins KU-2 as a catalyst proceeds at temperatures of 120°C;
in the vapor-gas phase in the presence of aluminosilicates-at 200-400°C.

Heterogeneous catalysts	Active alkylation catalysts are heterogeneous catalysts aluminum oxide, modified boron trifluoride, zeolites containing rare earth elements.	Heterogeneous

Слайд 7 The purpose of the O-alkylation is the production of high-octane

oxygen-containing component of gasoline by. Sulfonated ion-exchange resins are the

most widely used in industrial processes of MTBE synthesis. As a polymer matrix of sulfocations, polymers of various types are used: polycondensation (phenol formaldehyde), polymerization (styrene copolymer with divinylbenzene), fluorinated polyethylene, activated glass fiber and some others.
The purpose of the O-alkylation is the production of high-octane oxygen-containing component of gasoline by. Sulfonated ion-exchange

Слайд 8 Disadvantages of sulfocationites this forms a large hydrodynamic resistance of

the catalyst layer.
Catalyst KIF-2 is characterized by a sufficiently high

activity, long service life, convenient size and shape of the granules, allowing it to be used simultaneously as a distillation nozzle. The combination of the reactor with distillation in one reaction-distillation apparatus allows:
to ensure almost complete conversion due to the thermodynamic exclusion restrictions through continuous output of the target product from the reaction zone;
conduct the process at a lower pressure and use the reaction heat more efficiently to conduct the rectification processes directly in the reactor, reducing the energy intensity of the process;
simplify hardware design and significantly reduce the metal content of the process, etc.
Disadvantages of sulfocationites this forms a large hydrodynamic resistance of the catalyst layer.	Catalyst KIF-2 is characterized by

Слайд 11Conclusion


Слайд 12Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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