Разделы презентаций

Passive Voice

be + V3(ed)Present Simple Passive: am/is/are + V3(ed)Past Simple Passive:was/were + V3(ed)Future Simple Passivewill be + V3(ed)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Passive Voice

Passive Voice

Слайд 2be + V3(ed)
Present Simple Passive:
am/is/are + V3(ed)

Past Simple Passive:

+ V3(ed)

Future Simple Passive
will be + V3(ed)

be + V3(ed)Present Simple Passive: am/is/are + V3(ed)Past Simple Passive:was/were + V3(ed)Future Simple Passivewill be + V3(ed)

Слайд 3Варианты перевода на р-я
Краткая форма причастия страдательного залога:
The letter

was sent yesterday. – Письмо было отправлено вчера.
Глагол с частицей

This problem was discussed last week. – Эта проблема обсуждалась на прошлой неделе.
Неопределенно-личным предложением:
English is spoken in many countries.

Варианты перевода на р-яКраткая форма причастия страдательного залога: The letter was sent yesterday. – Письмо было отправлено

Слайд 4Translate into Russian:
He was much spoken about.
New subjects will be

studied next term.
The text was written two hours ago.
These toys

are made in Japan.
The conference will be held in May.
This work is usually done very fast.
The houses were built last year.

Translate into Russian:He was much spoken about.New subjects will be studied next term.The text was written two

Слайд 58. They are taught French.
9. The library will be closed

at 8 p.m.
10. English is spoken all over the world.

The conference was postponed yesterday.
12. This book is often referred to.
13. The students were asked to come to the laboratory.
14. The exhibition will be organized next month.
15. The journal was published in Moscow last year.

8. They are taught French.9. The library will be closed at 8 p.m.10. English is spoken all

Слайд 61. Ancient people built pyramids in Egypt.
2. A lab assistant

shows the equipment to the students.
3. The waiter offered a

menu to us.
4. The hotel provides satellite television for its guests.
5. My grandma taught this song to me.
6. The teacher will give them a new task tomorrow.
7. They speak much about this film.

1. Ancient people built pyramids in Egypt.2. A lab assistant shows the equipment to the students.3. The

Слайд 7Переведите предложения на английский язык
Им разрешили пользоваться лабораторией.
В начальной школе

детей учат читать и писать.
Вчера на конференции такие вопросы не

Новый торговый центр построят в следующем году.
Его можно видеть в парке в любую погоду.

Переведите предложения на английский языкИм разрешили пользоваться лабораторией.В начальной школе детей учат читать и писать.Вчера на конференции

Слайд 8They were allowed to use the laboratory.
Children are taught to

read and write in primary school.
Those questions were not discussed

at the conference yesterday.
A new shopping centre will be built next year.
He can be seen in the park in any weather.
They were allowed to use the laboratory.Children are taught to read and write in primary school.Those questions

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