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MINIMALIST GAMEIntroduced by Ryan Nicodemus and Joshua Fields Millburn of The Minimalists, this is a method that gamifies the decluttering experience. It’s a popular decluttering method with hundreds of people using

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Baiyshova eliza
abdukhakimov rasul

POPULAR MINIMALIST DECLUTTERING METHODBaiyshova eliza abdukhakimov rasul

Introduced by Ryan Nicodemus and Joshua Fields Millburn of

The Minimalists, this is a method that gamifies the decluttering

experience. It’s a popular decluttering method with hundreds of people using the #minsgame hashtag on social media every month.

MINIMALIST GAMEIntroduced by Ryan Nicodemus and Joshua Fields Millburn of The Minimalists, this is a method that

Basics: Beginning on the first day of a month,

the number of things you declutter corresponds to the day

of the month. One item on the first day, two items on the second day, three on the third, and so on. By the end of a 31-day month, you will have removed 496 items from your home if you play all the way through. This game works best when you challenge a friend or family member and see who can keep going the longest.

MINIMALIST GAMEBasics: Beginning on the first day of a month, the number of things you declutter corresponds

Pros: After a month, you will have decluttered of

a ton of stuff! Removing almost 500 items from your

home is no small feat, and you can play as many months in a row as you’d like. Another important aspect of this decluttering method is that it starts small and increases over time. This allows you to build confidence in your decision-making abilities and get increasingly better letting go of stuff.
MINIMALIST GAMEPros: After a month, you will have decluttered of a ton of stuff! Removing almost 500

Cons: A major downside of minsgame is that you

have to stay consistent each day otherwise it’s easy to

fall behind. Much like Tetris, the difficulty increases each level, and it can also be difficult to keep up if you’re inconsistent. Towards the end of the month, you’ll need to find a good number of items each day. After a long day of work, the last thing you may want to do is find 25 items to declutter that day.

MINIMALIST GAMECons: A major downside of minsgame is that you have to stay consistent each day otherwise

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