Разделы презентаций

Replication in bacteria


ReplicationChemistry of replication

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1MSU & SkolTech
Replication in bacteria

MSU & SkolTechReplication in bacteria

Слайд 2Replication
Chemistry of replication

ReplicationChemistry of replication

Слайд 3Replication
Chemistry of replication

ReplicationChemistry of replication

Слайд 4Replication
Chemistry of replication

ReplicationChemistry of replication

Слайд 5Replication
Fidelity of replication

ReplicationFidelity of replication

Слайд 6Replication
Enzymology of replication

ReplicationEnzymology of replication

Слайд 7Replication
Enzymology of replication Replicative DNA polymerases
DNA polymerase I +

3' exo + 5' exo 103 kD


polymerase III
a 130 kD polymerase
e 27 kD 3'-exo
q 9 kD
d 39 kD
c 17 kD
y 15 kD
g 48 kD
b 41 kD processivity factor
t 71 kD
ReplicationEnzymology of replication  Replicative DNA polymerasesDNA polymerase I   + 3' exo + 5' exo

Слайд 8Replication
Enzymology of replication Reparative DNA polymerases
DNA polymerase II +

3' exo

90 kD

DNA polymerase IV 40 kD

DNA polymerase V
umuD’ 15 kD
umuC’ 48 kD
ReplicationEnzymology of replication  Reparative DNA polymerasesDNA polymerase II   + 3' exo

Слайд 9Replication
Replication fork

ReplicationReplication fork

Слайд 10Replication
Replication fork

ReplicationReplication fork

Слайд 11Replication


Слайд 12Replication


Слайд 13Replication
Working cycle of Rep2


ReplicationHelicasesWorking cycle of Rep2Translocation           Unwinding

Слайд 14Replication
Replication form components SSB

ReplicationReplication form components SSB

Слайд 15Replication


Слайд 16Replication


Слайд 17Replication
Removal of primer

ReplicationRemoval of primer

Слайд 18Replication
Ligation of Okazaki fragments

ReplicationLigation of Okazaki fragments

Слайд 19Replication
Mechanism of ligation

ReplicationMechanism of ligation

Слайд 20Replication
Mechanism of ligation

ReplicationMechanism of ligation

Слайд 21Replication
Mechanism of ligation

ReplicationMechanism of ligation

Слайд 22Replication
DNA polymerase III

ReplicationDNA polymerase III

Слайд 23Replication
Processivity factor (clamp)
Processivity factor, clamp,
has pseudo 6-fold
In E. coli b-clamp

is a
dimer of 3-domain
Т4 phage and eukariotes
contain trimer of 2-domain

ReplicationProcessivity factor (clamp)Processivity factor, clamp,has pseudo 6-foldsymmetry.In E. coli b-clamp is adimer of 3-domainproteinsТ4 phage and eukariotescontain

Слайд 24Replication
DNA polymerase III

ReplicationDNA polymerase III

Слайд 25Replication
Clamp loading

ReplicationClamp loading

Слайд 26Replication
Clamp loading

ReplicationClamp loading

Слайд 27Replication
Chemistry of replication

ReplicationChemistry of replication

Слайд 28Replication
Supercoiling problem ahead of replication fork

ReplicationSupercoiling problem ahead of replication fork

Слайд 29Replication
Problems of concatemers resolution

ReplicationProblems of concatemers resolution

Слайд 30Replication
Problems of concatemers resolution

ReplicationProblems of concatemers resolution

Слайд 31Replication
Problems of concatemers resolution

ReplicationProblems of concatemers resolution

Слайд 32Replication
Similar supercoiling problems are relevant for transcription

ReplicationSimilar supercoiling problems are relevant for transcription

Слайд 33Replication
Origin of replication

ReplicationOrigin of replication

Слайд 34Replication
Initiation of replication is regulated by methylation of dam sites in

ori region

ReplicationInitiation of replication is regulated by methylation of dam sites in ori region

Слайд 35Replication
Initiation of replication

ReplicationInitiation of replication

Слайд 36Replication
Chemistry of replication

ReplicationChemistry of replication

Слайд 37Replication
Start of replication

ReplicationStart of replication

Слайд 38Replication
Termination of replication

ReplicationTermination of replication

Слайд 39Replication
Termination of replication

ReplicationTermination of replication

Слайд 40Replication
How to separate sister genomes into daughter cells?
FtsK –

ATPase that helps to separate genomes to daughter cells

are located in polar fashion ori to dif FtsK interacts with these sites and is loaded onto DNA in direction of dif
ReplicationHow to separate sister genomes into daughter cells? FtsK – ATPase that helps to separate genomes to

Слайд 41Replication
Problem of genome dimers
FtsK – ATPase that helps to separate

genomes to daughter cells

ReplicationProblem of genome dimersFtsK – ATPase that helps to separate genomes to daughter cells

Слайд 42Replication
Problem of genome dimers
XerC/XerD – recombinase is attracted to dif

sites by FtsK

ReplicationProblem of genome dimersXerC/XerD – recombinase is attracted to dif sites by FtsK

Слайд 43Replication
Problem of genome dimers
XerC/XerD – recombinase

ReplicationProblem of genome dimersXerC/XerD – recombinase

Слайд 44Replication
Septum localization and growth

ReplicationSeptum localization and growth

Слайд 45Replication
Septum localization and growth
MinC inhibits FtsZ ring polymerization MinD interacts with

MinC, assisting its polar localization

ReplicationSeptum localization and growthMinC inhibits FtsZ ring polymerization MinD interacts with MinC, assisting its polar localization

Слайд 46Replication
Septum localization and growth
MinC/D cap on the pole is disassembled

by MinE ring MinC/D monomers diffuse to another pole, where they

form new cap While old cap disassembles, new one is growing After complete disassembly of the old cap, MinE ring forms on the edge of new cap As a result MinC concentration is minimal at the midpoint of the cell, where FtsZ could polymerize
ReplicationSeptum localization and growthMinC/D cap on the pole is disassembled by MinE ring  MinC/D monomers diffuse

Слайд 47Replication
Timing of cell division
Cell division time could be smaller than

needed for replication of complete genome. Only frequency of replication

initiation determines the doubling time.
ReplicationTiming of cell divisionCell division time could be smaller than needed for replication of complete genome. Only

Слайд 48Replication
Several factors contribute to regulation of initiation of replication

ReplicationSeveral factors contribute to regulation of initiation of replication

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