Разделы презентаций


All resources in nature divide into renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources can be replenished through natural processes or be replaced through biological processes. But even renewable resources are not unlimited. Non-renewable

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Resources


Слайд 2All resources in nature divide into renewable and non-renewable.

resources can be replenished through natural processes or be replaced

through biological processes. But even renewable resources are not unlimited.
Non-renewable resources cannot be replaced
All resources in nature divide into renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources can be replenished through natural processes

Слайд 3Energy


Слайд 4Energy sources
Renewable :
Solar energy
Wind energy
Tidal energy
Geothermal energy

Crude oil and petroleum

Nuclear power

Energy sourcesRenewable :Solar energyWind energyTidal energyHydropowerBiomassGeothermal energyNon-renewable:CoalCrude oil and petroleumNatural gasNuclear power

Слайд 5Non-renewable energy sources
Fossil fuels have a high percentage of

carbon. That is why burning fuels we also release carbon

dioxide, which contributes to global warming.

Nuclear power does not Nuclear power does not pollute the air. However, there are many risks that a small mistake at power plants can cause a catastrophe.

Non-renewable energy sources Fossil fuels have a high percentage of carbon. That is why burning fuels we

Слайд 6Fossil fuels and nuclear power are quite dangerous for our

Our global use of energy increases every year.

challenging question is how we can satisfy our demands.
One way is using renewable energies. They are more distributed and have minimal amount of drawbacks.
Fossil fuels and nuclear power are quite dangerous for our environment. Our global use of energy increases

Слайд 7Water
One of the cheapest alternative energy source is water
To get

electricity from water people build hydropower plants
China, Canada, Brazil, the

United States, and Russia are the largest producers of hydropower.

WaterOne of the cheapest alternative energy source is waterTo get electricity from water people build hydropower plantsChina,

Слайд 8Hydropower plants

Hydropower plants

Слайд 9Types of Hydropower Plants

Types of Hydropower Plants

Слайд 10Advantages of Hydropower
It’s a clean fuel source and doesn’t pollute

the air
Hydroelectric power is a domestic source of energy, so

each state can produce its own energy
The energy generated through hydropower relies on the water cycle. It is a renewable power source, more reliable and affordable than fossil fuels
Some hydropower facilities can quickly go from zero power to maximum output. They provide essential back-up power during electricity disruptions
Advantages of HydropowerIt’s a clean fuel source and doesn’t pollute the airHydroelectric power is a domestic source

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