Разделы презентаций

SHOPS : Where to buy what Where would you buy these things ? Do not use


Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a ladies clothing shop or boutique

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1SHOPS : Where to buy what
Where would you buy these

Do not use « supermarket »

In a chemist’s

SHOPS : Where to buy whatWhere would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a chemist’s

Слайд 2Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a ladies clothing shop
or boutique

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a ladies clothing shop or boutique

Слайд 3Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a men’s clothing shop
or tailor’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a men’s clothing shop or tailor’s

Слайд 4Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a shoe shop

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a shoe shop

Слайд 5Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a jeweller’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a jeweller’s

Слайд 6Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


an electrical appliance shop

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In an electrical appliance shop

Слайд 7Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a toy shop

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a toy shop

Слайд 8Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a record shop

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a record shop

Слайд 9Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a book shop

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a book shop

Слайд 10Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a newsagent’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a newsagent’s

Слайд 11Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


an ironmonger’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In an ironmonger’s

Слайд 12Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


an optician’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In an optician’s

Слайд 13Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a haberdashery’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a haberdashery’s

Слайд 14Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a butcher’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a butcher’s

Слайд 15Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a fishmonger’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a fishmonger’s

Слайд 16Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a greengrocer’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a greengrocer’s

Слайд 17Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a baker’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a baker’s

Слайд 18Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a delicatessen

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a delicatessen

Слайд 19Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a grocer’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a grocer’s

Слайд 20Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


an off licence

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In an off licence

Слайд 21Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a florist’s

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a florist’s

Слайд 22Where would you buy these things?
Do not use « supermarket »


a post office

Where would you buy these things? Do not use « supermarket »In a post office

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