Разделы презентаций

Soft power of migration in Europe. Introduction

Migration globalization 3 Dimensions: Intensity Spread Distance

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Soft power of migration in Europe. Introduction

Soft power of migration in Europe. Introduction

Слайд 2Migration globalization
3 Dimensions:

Migration globalization 3 Dimensions: Intensity Spread Distance

Слайд 3What is Soft Power?
A country's soft power, according to Nye,

rests on three resources: "its culture (in places where it

is attractive to others), its political values (when it lives up to them at home and abroad), and its foreign policies (when others see them as legitimate and having moral authority).
What is  Soft Power?A country's soft power, according to Nye, rests on three resources:

Слайд 4Rapid-growth markets soft power index

Rapid-growth markets soft power index

Слайд 6The top soft powers
Country 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
US 84.0 85.5 86.3 88.1 87.0 87.0
France 49.7 48.4 50.3 49.6 49.6 49.5
Germany 44.0 46.6 46.6 45.8 44.0 43.2
United Kingdom 46.0 45.9 46.3 46.0 46.7 43.0
Canada 36.0 39.4 38.6 36.8 35.3 39.0
Italy 33.0 34.6 33.9 34.6 34.2 32.0
Japan 36.9 36.5 35.4 34.7 32.5 31.8
China 31.1 32.2 32.2 32.2 33.7 30.7
India 22.6 21.5 21.9 26.7 22.6 20.4
Russia 22.9 18.4 22.9 21.0 23.5 18.0
Brazil 5.9 6.0 9.3 12.7 9.7 13.8
Turkey 10.3 12.5 11.4 14.4 10.3 12.9
Mexico 10.0 11.8 11.8 17.1 19.3 11.5
South Africa 13.0 10.0 8.5 12.6 11.8 10.3

The top soft powersCountry	2005	2006	2007	2008	2009	2010US	84.0	85.5	86.3	88.1	87.0	87.0France	49.7	48.4	50.3	49.6	49.6	49.5Germany	44.0	46.6	46.6	45.8	44.0	43.2United Kingdom	46.0	45.9	46.3	46.0	46.7	43.0Canada	36.0	39.4	38.6	36.8	35.3	39.0Italy	33.0	34.6	33.9	34.6	34.2	32.0Japan	36.9	36.5	35.4	34.7	32.5	31.8China	31.1	32.2	32.2	32.2	33.7	30.7India	22.6	21.5	21.9	26.7	22.6	20.4Russia	22.9	18.4	22.9	21.0	23.5	18.0Brazil	5.9	6.0	9.3	12.7	9.7	13.8Turkey	10.3	12.5	11.4	14.4	10.3	12.9Mexico	10.0	11.8	11.8	17.1	19.3	11.5South Africa	13.0	10.0	8.5	12.6	11.8	10.3

Слайд 74 areas of non-conventional power projection
1/ Power of ideological persuasion

Non-conventional foreign policy instruments
3/ Religious and educational networks
4/ Popular culture

4 areas of non-conventional power projection1/ Power of ideological persuasion2/ Non-conventional foreign policy instruments3/ Religious and educational

Слайд 8Диаспора – …
Это устойчивая совокупность людей
- единого этнического или

национального происхождения
- живущая за пределами своей исторической родины
- имеющая свои

социальные институты для поддержания и развития своей общности
- проекция отправляющего сообщества в принимающем
- имеет двойную культурную миссию
С. Лаккули – «диаспора имеет измерение, относящееся к сфере международных отношений
Диаспора – … Это устойчивая совокупность людей- единого этнического или национального происхождения- живущая за пределами своей исторической

Слайд 9For further consideration..
- Cultural diplomacy impact
- The role of

Nation branding
- Educational migration and its consequences
- Immigration policy and

international cooperation
- Models of integration and adaptation and their influence

For further consideration.. - Cultural diplomacy impact- The role of Nation branding- Educational migration and its consequences-

Слайд 10Спасибо за внимание!
Анастасия Забусова, м.н.с., Казанский федеральный университет, 2014 anastasia.zabusova@gmail.com

Спасибо за внимание!Анастасия Забусова, м.н.с., Казанский федеральный университет, 2014 anastasia.zabusova@gmail.com

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