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St. Isaac's Cathedral

St. Isaac's Cathedral - a temple, and a museum.St. Isaac's Cathedral is located on St. Isaac's Square.It is a biggest temple in the St. Petersburg.It began to build in 1706 and

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1St. Isaac's Cathedral
Liza Kisko 5 a

St. Isaac's CathedralLiza Kisko 5 a

Слайд 2

St. Isaac's Cathedral - a temple, and a museum.
St. Isaac's

Cathedral is located on St. Isaac's Square.
It is a biggest

temple in the St. Petersburg.
It began to build in 1706 and end in 1858, on May 30.
St. Isaac's Cathedral - a temple, and a museum.St. Isaac's Cathedral is located on St. Isaac's Square.It

Слайд 3St. Isaac's Cathedral have a roof as a quadrangle shape

with a large dome in the middle.

There are a four

bell towers on the each roof angle. Outside are walls with colonnades and porticoes made of granite. They are on the terraces.

St. Isaac's Cathedral have a roof as a quadrangle shape with a large dome in the middle.There

Слайд 4
Inside the building there are 112 columns.
Walls of marble, malachite.

There is a lot of color stone.
Тhere are a lot

of drawings and icons in mosaic technique on the walls.
Оne of the first photographs in our country recorded the construction of this temple.
Inside the building there are 112 columns.Walls of marble, malachite. There is a lot of color stone.Тhere



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