Слайд 2Субъект-entity
an independent economic entity-самостоятельно хозяйствующий субъект
an entrepreneur-предприниматель
legislation [leʤɪsˈleɪʃn]- законодательство
make a
profit-получить прибыль
Слайд 3In accordance with the civil code of the Russian Federation,
an enterprise is an independent economic entity. The company was
created by an entrepreneur or an Association of entrepreneurs in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The company was created for the production and sale of products, goods and services in order to meet public needs and make a profit.
Слайд 4Legal aspect-юридический аспект
confectionery [kənˈfekʃən(ə)rɪ]- кондитерские изделия
organization of consumption[kənˈsʌmpʃn]- организация потребления
Слайд 5Legal aspect
A public food enterprise is an enterprise intended for
the production of culinary products, flour, confectionery and bakery products,
their sale and (or) organization of consumption.
Слайд 6legal point of view- с точки зрения закона
rights and obligations-
права и обязанности
Слайд 7From a legal point of view, public catering companies act
as a legal entity. They have the same rights and
obligations under the law as enterprises in other fields of activity.
Слайд 8subordination of management bodies- соподчиненность органов управления
participants- участники
regulate relations- регламентируют
Слайд 9Organizational unity – the presence of hierarchy and subordination of
management bodies. They constitute the structure of the enterprise and
regulate relations between participants.
Слайд 10Property isolation- имущественная обособленность
labor resources- трудовые ресурсы
Слайд 11Property isolation – the availability of material, financial and labor
resources that belong only to this enterprise and create the
material base of its activities.
Слайд 12liability [laɪəˈbɪlɪtɪ]-ответственность
implement- осуществление
plaintiff [ˈpleɪntɪf]-истец
defendant [dɪˈfendənt]-ответчик
in court [ɪn kɔːt]- в суде
Слайд 13Independent civil liability for all obligations under the law.
Performance in
civil law on their own behalf, that is, the implement
of their civil rights, obligations, performance by the plaintiff and the defendant in court.
Слайд 14land plot [lænd plɒt]- земельный участок
premises [ˈpremɪsɪz]- помещения
cutlery [ˈkʌtlərɪ]- столовые
debt [det]- долг, задолженность
right of claim-право требования
intangible assets [ɪnˈtænʤəbl ˈæsets]-
нематериальные активы
Слайд 15The economic aspect
the object of
civil rights of an enterprise is “a property complex used
for conducting business".
land plot;
buildings, structures, and premises;
equipment (thermal, refrigerating, mechanical, etc.)
household equipment (dishes, Cutlery, table linen, workwear, etc.);
cash resources;
debts and claims;
property rights (trademarks, samples);
intangible assets
Слайд 16premises [ˈpremɪsɪz]- помещение
homogeneous [həˈmɒʤɪnəs] –однородный
raw materials [rɔː məˈtɪərɪəlz] -сырьевые ресурсы
Слайд 17A sectoral aspect
A material structure is
a community of material resources. Use of the same type
of premises, homogeneous production and technological equipment, raw materials, and similar enterprises.
Слайд 18interconnection [ɪntəkəˈnekʃn] – взаимосвязь
warehouse [ˈweəhaʊs] - складское помещение,
auxiliary [ɔːgˈzɪljərɪ] -
Слайд 19The trade and technological structure is a set of homogeneous
technological processes. They are related to the processing of raw
materials and the production of products. Also, the common purpose of products, methods of service and sales. Also, the uniformity of placement and functional interconnection of production, warehouse, auxiliary and retail
Слайд 20The organizational and economic structure is characterized by: the economic
isolation of the enterprise, the common accounting and reporting system,
the same type of methodology for analyzing and planning economic performance indicators.
Слайд 21 Classification
Catering establishments can be
commercial or non-commercial,depending on the purpose of their activities
Commercial enterprises
– the main goal is to make a profit on the basis of providing services to the population;
Non – profit enterprises – the main goal is to solve social problems; provide school children, employees, and students with food.
of property
private property , including the property of citizens or
the property of a legal entity (persons);
state property, including Federal property or property of subjects of the Russian Federation
municipal property, including the property of urban or rural entities
mixed, combining several forms of ownership.
Слайд 23Joint – stock company- акционерное общество
Limited liability company- ООО
product range-
ассортимент продукции
Слайд 24organizational and legal forms of catering enterprises
State unitary enterprise.
Municipal unitary
Joint – stock company - (closed or open).
Limited liability company.
private enterprise.
Слайд 25Classification by size
small ones
Слайд 26A sectoral criteria
food enterprises are divided into types according to
various classification criteria. Such as the level of service, product
range, customer base, etc.