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Student : Mina Mamdouh Said Agaipy Year : First year Group:19 лс3 (a) Topic :

Kurt Julius IsselbacherIsselbacher was born in Wirges, Germany, to Flori (Strauss), a homemaker, and Albert Isselbacher, a merchant. His family was Jewish.

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Слайд 1Student: Mina Mamdouh Said Agaipy Year: First year Group:19лс3(a) Topic :Kurt Julius Isseelbacher

penza 2020
Student: Mina Mamdouh Said Agaipy Year: First year Group:19лс3(a) Topic :Kurt Julius Isseelbacher

Слайд 2Kurt Julius Isselbacher
Isselbacher was born in Wirges, Germany, to Flori (Strauss),

a homemaker, and Albert Isselbacher, a merchant. His family was

Kurt Julius IsselbacherIsselbacher was born in Wirges, Germany, to Flori (Strauss), a homemaker, and Albert Isselbacher, a merchant.

Слайд 3Education
After graduating high school in Portsmouth, Isselbacher attended Harvard College and then

graduated from Harvard Medical School cum laude in 1950. 

EducationAfter graduating high school in Portsmouth, Isselbacher attended Harvard College and then graduated from Harvard Medical School cum laude in 1950. 

Слайд 4Academic and scholarly activities
he published work supporting the association

of asbestos exposure and cancer of the lung, he discovered

the enzymatic defect causing the hereditary disorder of galactosemia.
Academic and scholarly activities he published work supporting the association of asbestos exposure and cancer of the

Слайд 5At the age of 31 he was chosen to head

the Gastrointestinal Unit at the MGH.Over the subsequent 30 years,

his division became one of the leading centers of training, research and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in the United States.

In 1987, he undertook the challenge of
becoming the first Director of the
Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer

At the age of 31 he was chosen to head the Gastrointestinal Unit at the MGH.Over the

Слайд 6He served on the editorial boards of Journal of Clinical

Investigation (1962-1972) and Gastorenterology (1963-1968) and was also consulting editor

of Medicine (1962-1994). His leadership in medicine was also recognized nationally and internationally by virtue of his role as an editor of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine.
He served on the editorial boards of Journal of Clinical Investigation (1962-1972) and Gastorenterology (1963-1968) and was

Слайд 7Publications
Isselbacher's memoir, Don't Call Me Cookie, was first published in 2008.

Isselbacher published a second edition in 2012 that outlined his

research endeavors in greater detail. The second edition of Don't Call Me Cookie was released as an e-book in 2019.
Isselbacher authored over 470 publications throughout his career as a physician-scientist and researcher.

PublicationsIsselbacher's memoir, Don't Call Me Cookie, was first published in 2008. Isselbacher published a second edition in 2012

Слайд 8One of Kurt’s most important contributions was as co-editor (and

editor-in-chief for 2 editions) of the venerable textbook, Harrison’s Principles of

Internal Medicine. The book has sold over a million copies and is available in 13 languages. Its success is in no small part due to Kurt’s remarkable talent for clear exposition and his extensive knowledge of medicine.
One of Kurt’s most important contributions was as co-editor (and editor-in-chief for 2 editions) of the venerable

Слайд 9Personal life
Kurt Isselbacher resided in Newton, MA and spent his summers in Woods

Hole, MA, where he conducted research and subsequently served as

a trustee for the Marine Biological Laboratory. Isselbacher was married for 60 years to Rhoda Solin Isselbacher who died on November 6, 2015. He is survived by three children, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. His fourth daughter passed away in 1997. 

Personal lifeKurt Isselbacher resided in Newton, MA and spent his summers in Woods Hole, MA, where he conducted research and

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