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The Formation of the Social Insurance System in the Crimean ASSR (20– 30th

The Content1.Introduction2.Main part3.Conclusion

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Formation of the Social Insurance System in the Crimean

ASSR (20– 30th years of XX th century)
Completed student 5

of the historical faculty
of the correspondence department
of M.V. Chmil
The Formation of the Social Insurance System in the Crimean ASSR (20– 30th years of XX th

Слайд 2The Content
2.Main part

The Content1.Introduction2.Main part3.Conclusion

Слайд 3The Relevance
- Conversion to Market Economy in the 90th

of the XX Century

Marked a Milestone in Social and Economic Development of Russia.
- a Considerable Part of Russian Citizens in Need of Social Security.
- Some Common Problems with the Development of the NEP Present Stage of Changes in Social Relations.
The Relevance- Conversion to Market Economy in the 90th        of

Слайд 4The Objectives
1. To Characterize the System of Management and Financing

of Social Welfare Funds and Social Insurance of the Crimean

Autonomous Republic.
2. To Analyze the System of Pensions and Benefits as the Most Common Type of Social Assistance.

The Objectives1. To Characterize the System of Management and Financing of Social Welfare Funds and Social Insurance

Слайд 5The Objectives
3. To Identify Ways of Social Service for

Indigent People and

Provide Them With Benefits.
4. To Show the Role of the Peasant Societies of Mutual Assistance in the Social Security System.
The Objectives3. To Identify Ways of Social Service for

Слайд 6The object and subject
- The Object of the Study

is the

Social Security System in the Crimean ASSR in 1920 – 1930 years.
- The Subject of Research is the System of Relations Between the Different Institutions Need Help.
The object and subject - The Object of the Study is the

Слайд 7The Chronological Framework
1. Covering the Period from 1921 to 1929

of the year.
2. Work Completed in 1929, Because at that

Moment there NEP Clotting Process.

The Chronological Framework1. Covering the Period from 1921 to 1929 of the year.2. Work Completed in 1929,

Слайд 8The territorial scope
The Territorial Scope of the Study Includes Areas

and Counties.
October 18, 1921 in the Crimean Autonomous Soviet

Socialist Republic. was Divided into 7 Districts.
In November 1923, the District Abolished and Created 15 Districts.
The territorial scopeThe Territorial Scope of the Study Includes Areas and Counties. October 18, 1921 in the

Слайд 9Main part
1. Features of State Welfare and insurance:
- Organization and

Funding of Social Bodies Security and Social Insurance.
- The System

of Pensions and Benefits Under the State Social Security and Social Insurance.
Main part1. Features of State Welfare and insurance:- Organization and Funding of Social Bodies Security and Social

Слайд 10Main part
- Social Services and the Provision of Preferential Citizens.

Social security system:
- Role of Agricultural Cooperative Societies in the

Social the Support of the Rural Population.
Main part- Social Services and the Provision of Preferential Citizens.2. Social security system:- Role of Agricultural Cooperative

Слайд 11Main part
- Development Cooperation Disabled.
- The Activities of Public aid


Main part- Development Cooperation Disabled.- The Activities of Public aid OrganizationsPopulation.

Слайд 12The Conclusion
1. In 1921, the Social Security System Provides

for those in Need of the Number of workers by

employers. Within a Short Period of time, all those in Need have Been Taken Into Account and Began to Receive Assistance.

The Conclusion 1. In 1921, the Social Security System Provides for those in Need of the Number

Слайд 13The Conclusion
2. By the mid 1920s Level of Benefits

for Temporary Disability and Pensions Reached the

Level of the Average Wage in the Industry, Which is an Achievement.
3. Thanks to the Help of the Organization and the Agricultural Cooperative Societies Privileges Granted to Disabled.

The Conclusion2. By the mid 1920s Level of Benefits     for Temporary Disability and

Слайд 14The Conclusion
4. Organizations Were Created: the Peasant Society of Mutual,

Cooperative Associations of Disabled Persons, Russian Committee of the Sick,

the Wounded, the Society of the Blind and the Deaf Community.
The Conclusion4. Organizations Were Created: the Peasant Society of Mutual, Cooperative Associations of Disabled Persons, Russian Committee

Слайд 15 Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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