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The problem of the world's warming the planet Earth

The tremendous power of nature: floods, elements, storms, rising sea levels. Climate change will alter the image of our planet. Fads weather are no longer uncommon, it becomes the norm. The ice on the

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Слайд 1The problem of the world's warming the planet Earth.

The problem of the world's warming the planet Earth.

Слайд 2The tremendous power of nature: floods, elements, storms, rising sea

levels. Climate change will alter the image of our planet. Fads weather

are no longer uncommon, it becomes the norm. The ice on the planet is melting and it changes everything. Sea rise, the city may be flooded and millions of people could die.
The tremendous power of nature: floods, elements, storms, rising sea levels. Climate change will alter the image of

Слайд 4 Our planet is heating up and this has a catastrophic

effect on the ice caps of the earth. The temperature rises,

the ice begins to melt, sea begins to rise. All over the world ocean level rises 2 times faster than 150 years ago. In 2005, 315 cubic miles of ice from Greenland and Antarctica melted the sea, for comparison, in Moscow a year using 6 cubic miles of water - this is a global melting. In 2001, scientists predicted that by the end of the century sea levels to rise by 0.9 meters.
 Our planet is heating up and this has a catastrophic effect on the ice caps of the

Слайд 7This rise in water level enough that would affect more

than 100 million people around the world, but now many

experts fear that their predictions may be incorrect. By the end of the century sea levels could rise by as much as 6 meters, and it all can happen to all of us because of melting.

This rise in water level enough that would affect more than 100 million people around the world,

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