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U n d e r t h e S e a

Many animals live under the sea.There are many fish.There are many big animals too.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Under the Sea

Under the Sea

Слайд 2Many animals live under the sea.

There are many fish.

There are

many big animals too.

Many animals live under the sea.There are many fish.There are many big animals too.

Слайд 3There are many different types of fish: big fish, little

fish, colouful fish and plain fish

There are many different types of fish: big fish, little fish, colouful fish and plain fish

Слайд 4Can you say something about these fish?

Can you say something about these fish?

Слайд 5One is big and one is small.
One is colourful and

one is blue.
This is a lobster
This is a turtle

One is big and one is small.One is colourful and one is blue.This is a lobsterThis is

Слайд 6This is a whale. In real life a whale is


This is a whale. In real life a whale is HUGE!!

Слайд 7This is a Dolphin.
Dolphins ar every friendly and love humans.

have been known to save humans from sharks
This is a

This is a Dolphin.Dolphins ar every friendly and love humans.They have been known to save humans from

Слайд 8This is an octopus. an Octopus has 8 legs.
Octogan is

an 8 sided shape
Octo (to mean 8)

This is an octopus. an Octopus has 8 legs.Octogan is an 8 sided shapeOcto (to mean 8)

Слайд 9Jellyfish


Слайд 11Fish


Fish            LobsterWhale

Слайд 12THE END


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