Разделы презентаций

What do we do with? We smell with our ___nose____, We see with our

Late, bare, party, fat, face, hat, sharp, land stamp, snake, salad, take, lake, park, square, skate, game, plate, bat, dark, Mary, black, cake, rare, large, parents, car, rat, arm, jam, plane,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What do we do with?
We smell with our ___nose____,

We see with our ____eyes_____,

We eat with our ____mouth____
Tasty puddings and pies.
With _legs___ and __feet___ we walk,
With _lips__ and _tongues_ we talk,
And with our ____ears___
We can hear.
What do we do with?We smell with our ___nose____,      We see with

Слайд 2Late, bare, party, fat, face, hat, sharp, land
stamp, snake,

salad, take, lake, park,
square, skate, game, plate, bat, dark,

black, cake, rare, large, parents, car, rat, arm,
jam, plane, shade, start, fare, garden, stare
dare, bag, flag, apple, cat, page, lace,
map, cart, prepare, came, tram, sad, safe, can,
pan, glad, farmer, has, carpet, made, Pam.
Late, bare, party, fat, face, hat, sharp, land stamp, snake, salad, take, lake, park, square, skate, game,

Слайд 3Test, met, mercy, mere, we, her,
person, best, shell, be,

west, smell, serve, Steve, shelf,
sphere, me, sere, term,

wet, let,
perfect, she, he, letter, red, eve,
leg, bench, Pete, spell, help, here,
lesson, tennis, pencil, hen, egg,
men, chess, wet, neck, let.
Test, met, mercy, mere, we, her, person, best, shell, be, servant, west, smell, serve, Steve, shelf, sphere,

Слайд 4Line, desire, birth, bye, sit, milk, tired, girl,
list, fine,

win, tire, dirty, gym, Byrd, life, bird
hire, nice, mile,

shirt, byre, Mike, tiger,
kite, wife, my, fire, system, empire, sky,
like, firm, mire, writer, Sir, bike, hill, thirty,
wire, skirt, type, lyric, mill, lyre, fir, will, dive
pike, hike, iron, Ireland, ice, first, pilot, slim
finger, stick, why, shy, fish, bite, wish, pie,
cycle, dry, July, lie, gyp, six, style, typist,
Line, desire, birth, bye, sit, milk, tired, girl, list, fine, win, tire, dirty, gym, Byrd, life, bird

Слайд 5a fish
A fish can swim.

a fish A fish can swim.

Слайд 6an owl
An owl can fly.

an owlAn owl can fly.

Слайд 7a frog
A frog can jump.

a frogA frog can jump.

Слайд 8a cockerel
A cockerel can sing.

a cockerelA cockerel can sing.

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