Разделы презентаций

What to prepare before the lesson!!! 1.Laminated group info + attendance


Things to do:1.Socks/Shoe covers2.Stationery boxes3.Copybooks to sign4.Who is on duty?(+1 more club)Laminated group info:WhatsApp question:Do you write sms/emails?What are they about?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What to prepare before the lesson!!!
1.Laminated group info+ attendance records+students’

2.Print: crib “Chall-2” p.30,31(for the next lesson!!!)

What to prepare before the lesson!!!1.Laminated group info+ attendance records+students’ records2.Print: crib “Chall-2” p.30,31(for the next lesson!!!)

Слайд 4Things to do:
1.Socks/Shoe covers

2.Stationery boxes

3.Copybooks to sign

4.Who is on duty?

more club)
Laminated group info:
WhatsApp question:
Do you write sms/emails?
What are they

Things to do:1.Socks/Shoe covers2.Stationery boxes3.Copybooks to sign4.Who is on duty?(+1 more club)Laminated group info:WhatsApp question:Do you write

Слайд 5WhatsApp question:
Do you write sms/emails?
What are they about?

As for me,

I …
You know,…
Of course, I…

WhatsApp question:Do you write sms/emails?What are they about?As for me, I …You know,…Of course, I…Actually,….

Слайд 6
1.Chall-2-w.b-p.28(All the page!)
2.Write your email and send it to VK!!!

Home task:
Home task: Выдаётся на уроке
в среду 30.09.2020 /

четверг 01.10.2020 Сделать на понедельник 05.10.2020 /вторник 06.10.2020
1.Chall-2-w.b-p.28(All the page!)2.Write your email and send it to VK!!!Your Home task:Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в

Слайд 11Exam slide

Exam slide

Слайд 14Game time
1.Play in groups.
2.There are two piles of cards: Truth

or Action
3.One by one choose and say or do.
4.If you

reject, your team loses the points.
5.You have got 5 min. Who can get more points (1 more club)?
Game time1.Play in groups.2.There are two piles of cards: Truth or Action3.One by one choose and say

Слайд 15Chall-2-w.b-listening
KET-Video listening

Chall-2-w.b-listeningKET-Video listeningFinish!!!

Слайд 16Speaking in pairs!!!

Speaking in pairs!!!

Слайд 20Miss Irene’s warming up before the tongue twister!
Sherry is watching

and hoping for the best!

Miss Irene’s warming up before the tongue twister!Sherry is watching and hoping for the best!

Слайд 21Pronunciation practice!

Pronunciation practice!

Слайд 22Pronunciation practice!

Pronunciation practice!

Слайд 23@ at (собака)
. dot (точка).

@ at (собака). dot (точка).

Слайд 26The mysterious Island or Jumanji

The mysterious Island or Jumanji

Слайд 27Your competition in teams!!!

Your competition in teams!!!

Слайд 28Your competition in teams!!!

Your competition in teams!!!

Слайд 29Your competition in teams!!!

Your competition in teams!!!

Слайд 30Home task: Выдаётся на уроке
в понедельник 05.10.2020 / вторник

06.10.2020 Сделать на среду 07.10.2020 /четверг 08.10.2020

1.KET exam writing
2. KET listening
Your Home

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник 05.10.2020 / вторник 06.10.2020 Сделать на среду 07.10.2020 /четверг 08.10.20201.KET exam

Слайд 32Next lesson:
-check w.b+emails on the board
-revise p.30-31
-test on Pres.simple+cont(glue school

programmes!+put the marks)
-speaking KET!
-Dictation p.30-31
-from w.b Language check
+KET practice!!!

Next lesson:-check w.b+emails on the board-revise p.30-31-test on Pres.simple+cont(glue school programmes!+put the marks)-speaking KET!-H.T:-Dictation p.30-31 -from w.b

Слайд 35Now, let’s talk about your house: Do you live in the

town or country? Where is your home? Do you live in a

flat or a house? Who lives with you? What is your favourite room? Which is the nicest room in your house? What can you see from the window? Tell me more about your house.

Now, let’s talk about your day: What time do you get up? What do you have for breakfast? Which days do you go to school? How do you get to school? Tell me about your day at school?

Now, let’s talk about different days of the week: What day is it today? What did you do yesterday? How many days of week do you go to school? What is your favourite day? Tel me what do you do on Saturdays. Tell me what do you do on Tuesdays.

Now, let’s talk about what you do after school: What time does school finish? How do you go home from school? What do you eat when you arrive home? What homework do you do in the evenings? Tell me about the other things you do after school.

Now, let’s talk about your house: Do you live in the town or country? Where is your

Слайд 36Ex.1


Слайд 39The power of grammar

The power of grammar

Слайд 41
1.Dictation Chall-2-p.28+(prep.copying)
2. Chall-2-p.26
Your Hometask:
Previous H.T slides

1.Dictation Chall-2-p.28+(prep.copying)2. Chall-2-p.26Your Hometask:Previous H.T slides

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