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Empire State Building 102-storey skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan New York

EmpireState BuildingArchitect: Shreve, Lamb and HarmonMain contractor: Starrett Brother and Eken

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Слайд 1Empire
102-storey skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan
New York City
Preporations for construction

began in 1930.
The project worked on 3400 workers.
Rozhkova Kristina

EmpireState Building102-storey skyscraper in Midtown ManhattanNew York CityPreporations for construction began in 1930.The project worked on 3400

Слайд 2Empire
Architect: Shreve, Lamb and Harmon

Main contractor: Starrett Brother and


EmpireState BuildingArchitect: Shreve, Lamb and HarmonMain contractor: Starrett Brother and Eken

Слайд 3The main task was to meet the specified amount, so

the appearance of the building was given the least attention.

The spire of the skyscraper, made in Art Deco style, was originally designed as a berthing mast and parking place for airships. The one hundred and second floor was first a landing platform, on it there was a special ladder.

The main task was to meet the specified amount, so the appearance of the building was given

Слайд 4However, after several attempts to lead to skyscrapers, the airship

proved that it is difficult and dangerous because of the

strong rising air flows arising from the ogrome heights of the building.

In 1952 0, a skyscraper was attached to a large television tower

However, after several attempts to lead to skyscrapers, the airship proved that it is difficult and dangerous

Слайд 5It is built on a two-story concrete foundation, and the

steel frame weighs 54,400 tons (the total weight of the

building is 331,000 tons).

It is built on a two-story concrete foundation, and the steel frame weighs 54,400 tons (the total

Слайд 8Thanks for the attention

Thanks for the attention

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