Разделы презентаций

It runs along the road. It goes around the pond. It walks past the pond. The

It runs along the road. It goes around the pond. It walks past the pond. The Разное

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1It runs along
the road.
It goes around
the pond.
It walks

the pond.
The pupils are outside.
The cat runs around the


The man is in the boat.

The cat sees 2 cocks opposite each other.

The cat runs through the grass.

The cat sees a hen among the chicks.

The school is
next to the house.

The teacher is inside.

The ladder is against the wall.

The dog is in the doghouse.

A bird is on the doghouse.

The cat walks between 2 trees.

The fisherman is beside the river.

The duckling is by / at / near the duck.

The cat goes over the bridge.

The boat is
far from the duck.

The cat walks
in front of the tree.

The cat goes into the tube.

The cat runs through the tube.

The cat runs out of the tube.

The cat walks
behind the tree.

The cat walks
across the road.

The cat jumps on(to) the stone.

The cat walks up the hill.

The cat walks down the hill.

The cat jumps off the stone.

The cat goes to / towards the house.

The cat comes into the house.

A bird is below the cloud.

The cat walks under the bridge.

A bird is above the cloud.

by helgabel

A cat goes out of the house.


A child is beneath the tree.

It runs along the road.It goes around the pond.It walks past the pond.The pupils are outside.The cat

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