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Kuznetsov Nikita 3733802/02601

The reasons and effectsA) company’s expansion in the gaming industry; Microsoft lacks console exclusivesB) the increase of rivalry among top consoles; the raise of quality and innovations in computer games (competitiveness

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Kuznetsov Nikita 3733802/02601
Microsoft buys Fallout creator Bethesda for $7.5bn

Kuznetsov Nikita 3733802/02601https://dtf.ru/gameindustry/214777-microsoft-obyavila-o-pokupke-bethesda?utm_campaign=kompaniya-microsoft-obyavila-o-pokupke-koMicrosoft buys Fallout creator Bethesda for $7.5bn

Слайд 2The reasons and effects
A) company’s expansion in the gaming industry;

Microsoft lacks console exclusives
B) the increase of rivalry among top

consoles; the raise of quality and innovations in computer games (competitiveness and exclusivity of the Xbox - the company now has quite an impressive first-party suite + Game Pass)
The reasons and effectsA) company’s expansion in the gaming industry; Microsoft lacks console exclusivesB) the increase of

Слайд 3The dictionary
Rivalry – competition for the same objective or

for superiority in the same field.
First-party suite - own set

of products
The dictionary Rivalry – competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field.First-party suite

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