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Proposed improvements for OpenNumismat

IDENTIFYING A ITEMProblem.-Program assigns a individual ID for every record, but this ID don’t tell us nothing. When we’re managing our collection we need a special key code to match our

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Слайд 1Proposed improvements for OpenNumismat
Jesús S. Alba
June 2019

Proposed improvements for OpenNumismatByJesús S. AlbaJune 2019

Problem.-Program assigns a individual ID for every record,

but this ID don’t tell us nothing. When we’re managing

our collection we need a special key code to match our ítem in your program with our ítem in real collection to identify and locate it easily.

In this case, I have 3 coins, all of them are the same code in SCWC but each one have different specific info.

I need to match with this

How to solve it?

IDENTIFYING A ITEMProblem.-Program assigns a individual ID for every record, but this ID don’t tell us nothing.

Слайд 31.-We can download the info for a element from Colnect.net,

then we’ll have common info for the element

1.-We can download the info for a element from Colnect.net, then we’ll have common info for the

Слайд 42.-After you downlad info and prefill the card of the

element you can put the year for this variant of

the element, you can replace this for a new control to select the year. Even this new control can be delimited by the data of the first and last issue year.

Replace with this control

First issue = Low limit
Last issue = High limit

2.-After you downlad info and prefill the card of the element you can put the year for

Слайд 5This same values (High and Low) you can put in

automatically on the field:
And even better, you can have

two specific fields for this purpose. If the element have just a only date then you put the same info in both fields
This same values (High and Low) you can put in automatically on the field: And even better,

Слайд 63.-You can add a new combo box to select what

type or category of element you’re recording, this field will

be very useful for new filter on Treeview and list and summary counter, this may be translated from the colnect download info form.

Add this control there

Even if you put this as Catalog (References), people can manage many categories of collectibles in a single data base like all collections in Colnect.net or even another ones, it’s not necesary to implement the functionally of download the info from the Colnect site, you can still working only with Coins, Banknotes and Stamps

3.-You can add a new combo box to select what type or category of element you’re recording,

Слайд 74.-You can modify this tab for add a Mint Mark


4.-You can modify this tab for add a Mint Mark image

Слайд 8To save space in data base you can add a

field for default Mint Mark in the Mints catalog, of

course not as icon, when you select the Mint then image will load automatically in the image box

But you can let the user can select another image due the modify logo of Mints though the time. For example Moscow Mint

To save space in data base you can add a field for default Mint Mark in the

Слайд 95.-When you select the Goverment on “Coin tab” then you

need to automatically load his signature image on “Classification tab”

in the image field in variety área and and name in signature field in “Design tab” only if category field ítem is BANKNOTE. This signature image will be assigned on the Governor catalog for each one.

Why not put the signatura image on this place???
Because is not enough space to a signature image. Even you can modify this forms because signature is more like a variety of the banknote

5.-When you select the Goverment on “Coin tab” then you need to automatically load his signature image

Слайд 10Why do we need to have this Governor Catalog with

they individual signs if Colnect info includes it for each


As you can see, sign images for different banknotes as the same one. But the quality is diferent, then you could select the best defined sign and assign it in the catalog for the right Governor and even we can sabe space on data base.

Why do we need to have this Governor Catalog with they individual signs if Colnect info includes

Слайд 116.-You can push Save button now. And you will have

your element of the catalog , in this case I

have the element KM# 472 for 1972 year
6.-You can push Save button now. And you will have your element of the catalog , in

Слайд 127.-Then you can clone this element for every year you

have a diferent issue date. Selecting the element on the

treeview, click right button to show Pop-Up menú and click on Clone this element (new option)
7.-Then you can clone this element for every year you have a diferent issue date. Selecting the

Слайд 138.-Now you can select element of the year you want

to add new ítem and on Pop-Up menú click on

Add new coin (replace text with Add new item) and show new window

This info came from the element which you’re adding a new coin and they are non editable fields here, just informative function to identify the master record.


Unique Key

This is a tool to create the unique Key for each ítem, I’ll explain this función later


This is a ítem counter. Is equal to 1 if the element don’t have any ítem, and it will automatically increase in 1 unit when you add a new ítem on the same element. If you already have 1 ítem in this element then the next one will be 2, if you have 6 then next one will be 7.

Serial Prefix

Serial Number

For the banknotes you need to have Serial Prefix and number info for each item

8.-Now you can select element of the year you want to add new ítem and on Pop-Up

Слайд 14You must add to new tabs instead the “Market tab”,

the first one named “Buys” and the second one “Sales”.

This new tabs will be operated (as until now) depending of which value you select

It still doing nothing

I don’t know the right words in English, then I’ll use colors to identify

In Buys tab enabled the wished área to set the date when you see this ítem for first time or know its existence and start to wished it

In Buys tab enabled the wished area , seller area and the auction area to set bidding info

In Buys tab enabled the wished area , seller area and the auction area to set bidding info

In Buys tab enabled the wished area, seller area, auction area and the owned area to set the date when you got in your hands this item

This action enabled all areas in Buys tab and enabled in Sales tab the On Sale area

This action enabled all areas in Buys tab and enabled in Sales tab the On Sale area and Selled area.

This action enabled both tabs, Buys and Sales with all funcionalities mentioned until this point

This action enabled both tabs, Buys and Sales with all funcionalities mentioned until this point and enabled Lost area in Sales tab

You must add to new tabs instead the “Market tab”, the first one named “Buys” and the

Слайд 15Select the date on a Calendar Box control and the

default value is today. Suppously you’ll add this wished coin

the same day you wish it.

Set on Calendar Box dates of start and end of the auction, the initial Price and the first bid we did, enabled Place and Seller fields, already they exist.

As you can see, I inverted the order of Place of buy and the seller. You can select the seller from a list box from a new catalog



Shipment Cost

Shipment Date

Payment Date




This área set the info of a Direct buy, if you don’t got this ítem by auction, you can show their data with default data. Or at same time it conclude the bidding process it you got this ítem by auction.

Select the date on a Calendar Box control and the default value is today. Suppously you’ll add

Слайд 16Set on Calendar Box date when you have the ítem

on your hands and calculate Total Cost
Custom Taxes
Reception Date

COST is calculated automatically only with the sum of this numeric fields

I allocated all this control with no order and diferent sizes just to ilustrate you, of course you’ll put in correct size and distribution even you can remain the information field under the total cost field to write down any interesting thing in this process

Set on Calendar Box date when you have the ítem on your hands and calculate Total CostCustom

Слайд 17Select the On Sale date on a Calendar Box control,

set the initial prices if you’re selling in an auction

and the place were you’re selling your ítem.

Select the buyer, set the final Price, sale comisión and shpment cost. Set the Sale date.

Set the date when you lost or notice of losing this item.

Final Price


Sale date

Sale Comission


Shipment Cost







TOTAL PRICE is calculated automatically only with the aritmetic operations of this numeric fields Final Price –(Sale Comission + shipment Cost)

PROFIT OR LOSS is calculated automatically only with the subtraction of the numeric fields Final Price – Final Cost

You can select the Buyer from a list box from a new catalog

Date of lost

This icon let you print a mail label to send this ítem to the selected buyer

Select the On Sale date on a Calendar Box control, set the initial prices if you’re selling

Слайд 189.-You need to generate the Unique Key for this item

info came from the element which you’re adding a new

coin and they are non editable fields here, just informative function to identify the master record.


Unique Key


When you click here then program must be créate automatically the unique Key for this ítem from the new tab you need to add in the collection window configuration.

Serial Prefix

Serial Number

9.-You need to generate the Unique Key for this itemThis info came from the element which you’re

Слайд 19You can put this functionality on configuration new tab:

put this on big size to show you how this

could work

In this case. This configuration will gives us a unique Key:


[FieldName] this is a field from the data base asociated qith this ítem. You can see a list of all fields there.
+ sign, means CONCATENATION
“AnyText” this is a fixed text to insert into unique key as separator.
Capital Letter after [FieldName] means when you apply this FieldName according the catergory of the ítem (B=banknotes, C=coins, S=stamps).

In this example you could ask me where you find the CountryID and ItemID fields. Well, the ItemID is the automatically generated number whom increase in 1 unity when you add a new item.

The CountryID it will need to add in the Country catalog the ISO 3166-1 alfa-3 codes.

MEX for Mexico
UKR for Ukraine
RUS for Russia
USA for USA ;)

You can put this functionality on configuration new tab:UNIQUE KEY[CountryID]+”-”+[1#]+[Variety]B+”-”+[Year]+[ItemID]I put this on big size to show

Слайд 20As you can see, we have a unique code to

identify our ítems in database matching with the real. Even

we’re able to print some labels (if you add this new functionality we could talk later about new reports and printing improves). Labels examples on next image.
As you can see, we have a unique code to identify our ítems in database matching with

Problem.-We already have our first

item in our database, but what happend when we have

more than 1 coin, banknote or stamp of the same element with particular characterisctics?

In this case, I have 3 coins, all of them are the same code in SCWC and the same year but each one have different specific info.

How to solve it?

This is easy!!!!, just we still using the copy and clone functions to have a new record for this new item, it could be linked with the master element but a specific info about the status of the coin, its unique key, its single buying/selling process, and most importanat, we’ll have only a single set of images of the coin (Observe and Reverse ant the others it could have) instead 3 set.

ADDING NEW ITEMS – CASE 1Problem.-We already have our first item in our database, but what happend

Problem.-I understand that you needed

to add functuionality to this program about the Sale process

due to users asked you this. Then you have numismastic users using your program to manage a large collections. What happend when we have more than 1 ítem of the same element with particular characterisctics, what happend when I buy a coin roll with 10 coins and I would sell them individually???, I know, I could copy or clone the same ítem 10 times as I described in the Case 1. Now, we imagine about some user buys a banknote brick with 100 same banknotes and he want to sell them or just register them individually????

This is easy, too!!!!, apart from the copy and clone functions we need to include a new function, REPLICANT (or multiply) ítem, that means you need to slect the ítem, open Pop-Up menú and chose this new option to open the work window. First of one you must add the basis ítem with the all common characteristics, in the case of banknotes write down the serial prefix and the first serial number (remember, this serial number could have a mix of numbers and letters).

How to solve it?

ADDING NEW ITEMS – CASE 2Problem.-I understand that you needed to add functuionality to this program about

Слайд 23When you click on Ok button, program will run out

a recursive function to create this 999 (in this example)

new ítems,
1.-take the hightest ItemID number for this element and add 1 for each one new record.
2.-Generate the Unique Key for each new record according the configuration pointed in before slides for the new items.
3.-In case of the Category of the basis ítem being Banknote, then the basis serial number will be increased in 1 unity for each
New ítem.

This example will create 999 new items in addition to the basis ítem, that means what I’ll have 1,000 items on the catalog attached to the same element. And again, we have only 1 set of images for the element instead 1,000 sets of images by each ítem.

When you click on Ok button, program will run out a recursive function to create this 999

Слайд 24Geo Location
Problem.-I want to be honestly with you. I don’t

know why you add the map functionality. What does it


I think that the functionality is excelent but not the info that it represent. I identified 3 geo information topics it would be interesting to know.
1.-The country of the item.
2.-The address where I bought the item, and
3.-The address where I sell the item.

When we edit our catalogs, the country catalog must need to open a new window for each record

Geo LocationProblem.-I want to be honestly with you. I don’t know why you add the map functionality.

Слайд 25Country catalog
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
ISO 3166-1

name of the country
This code will be used to generate

the Unique Key

The country’s icon for listboxs

This flag image would be use in the future to have colourful reports with better resolution

This is the Geo Location for the country. This info will let us to have a map to identify what countries we have items

Country catalogCountryUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandISO 3166-1alfa-3GBRIconFlagThe name of the countryThis code will be

Слайд 26Filters: GeoInfo: Countries

Category: All

Banknotes 16
Stamps 0

Total Cost 95.34
Total Price 0.00

That’s what info to show when I clicked on France pin

Filters:   GeoInfo: Countries      Category: AllFRACoins

Слайд 27We need to add a new Tab to manage this

new catalog about Buyers and Sellers
You can manage this catalog

in the same Tab or in a single Tab for each one, but both must be depending of the Shops, Sites or Places where we buy
We need to add a new Tab to manage this new catalog about Buyers and SellersYou can

Слайд 28Info
You can select Buyer or Seller
Name in site
Real Name
Johann Sebastian

4 Jingshan Front St, Dongcheng Qu, Beijing Shi, China, 100006


10 8500 7421


These data are to print label in Sales tab on item window.




InfoPlaceTypeYou can select Buyer or SellerName in siteAsianBanknotesCountryReal NameJohann Sebastian BachAddress4 Jingshan Front St, Dongcheng Qu, Beijing

Слайд 29Filters: GeoInfo: Sellers

Category: All


Banknotes 16
Stamps 0

Investment 95.34

That’s what info to show when I clicked on China pin

Filters:   GeoInfo: Sellers      Category: AllAsianBanknotesSELLERCoins

Слайд 30Filters: GeoInfo: Buyers

Category: All
That’s what info to show when I clicked on

Colombia pin


Coins 0
Banknotes 52
Stamps 0

Incomes 24.00

Filters:   GeoInfo: Buyers      Category: AllThat’s what info to show when

Слайд 31Why I insist a lot with sabe space in data

base topic?
I’ve registered only 133 ítems until now and data

base file already is 39 Mb. What would happend when I register 10,000 items???, why do not use a high performance relational data base model???
Why I insist a lot with sabe space in data base topic?I’ve registered only 133 ítems until

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