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Recipes from a broken h ear t (only for women!)

1. Dissolve in your pain. But make it beautifully!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Recipes from a broken heart (only for women!)

Recipes from a broken heart  (only for women!)

Слайд 21. Dissolve in your pain. But make it beautifully!

1. Dissolve in your pain. But make it beautifully!

Слайд 3Firstly give yourself time to feel sorry for yourself (no

more than 3 days!).
Sob beat dishes, watch snot movies

with a bottle of wine and a box of candies, read verses. Call or invite a friend and tell her about everything that is sick. Remember what He did or did not, make a list of all the times when you get hurt in this relationship.
Firstly give yourself time to feel sorry for yourself (no more than 3 days!). Sob beat dishes,

Слайд 4But! Everything should be beautiful! Weep in your cozy pajamas,

in your fresh bed. Light the candles and fill the

bathroom. Imagine yourself a heroine of the film (Carrie Bradshaw, for example).
But! Everything should be beautiful! Weep in your cozy pajamas, in your fresh bed. Light the candles

Слайд 52) Anti-love letter.

2) Anti-love letter.

Слайд 6Secondly, write a letter to your ex. Tell about everything

you were afraid to tell him. And then burn it

(the letter, not the guy). Or do not burn, it will be part of your future memoirs.
Secondly, write a letter to your ex. Tell about everything you were afraid to tell him. And

Слайд 73) Sadness time.
I don't think you can afford to

lie in bed for weeks and feel sorry for yourself.

So keep being sad, but on schedule! Every day at the same time. Just set the alarm. This is not a joke. I recommend the evening time. And for 60 minutes, do nothing except for sadness.
3) Sadness time. I don't think you can afford to lie in bed for weeks and feel

Слайд 8You can screw yourself up any way you want. In

a few days, you'll feel sorry for the time, you'll

see. Make yourself cry for a few more days and you can go ahead.
You can screw yourself up any way you want. In a few days, you'll feel sorry for

Слайд 94)The diary.

4)The diary.

Слайд 10Finally, keep a diary. Record all your emotions and reactions

to events. Try to track mood shades. It's important to

write 10 points of things for which you are grateful every morning and 10 points why you are good every evening.
Finally, keep a diary. Record all your emotions and reactions to events. Try to track mood shades.

Слайд 115) The art

5) The art

Слайд 12You need to be engaged in creativity. Express your feelings

through art. Free your heart. Draw/ describe/ sing/dance your pain

and loneliness. If you think you can't do anything, try it. Listen to yourself. Your heart knows what you want, trust yourself, let yourself hear the inner voice. And try new activities. It helps to find yourself.
You need to be engaged in creativity. Express your feelings through art. Free your heart. Draw/ describe/

Слайд 136) Be sure to do something crazy. Adrenaline will shake

you and bring you new energy. Jump with a parachute,

dance in the rain, get a tattoo.
6) Be sure to do something crazy. Adrenaline will shake you and bring you new energy. Jump

Слайд 14If it's too much for you, dye your hair or

fly to another town for the weekend. Just do what

you want to do. Something that will make you a little happier. Maybe it will be new shoes or dawn on the roof.
If it's too much for you, dye your hair or fly to another town for the weekend.

Слайд 167) Take good care of your body. It's very important

to exercise and eat healthily. Remember: you should feel good

and look good. lack of vitamins can lead to prolonged depression.
7) Take good care of your body. It's very important to exercise and eat healthily. Remember: you

Слайд 17Again, you don't have to force yourself into the gym,

you can start with yoga or walking. Find something you

like. Care of yourself. Try to eat healthily and beautifully. Prepare healthy meals, always set the table.
Again, you don't have to force yourself into the gym, you can start with yoga or walking.

Слайд 188) Action Plan. Set yourself goals before the end of

the year (real, it's important) and write down a detailed

plan to achieve each of them. Be sure to break it down by month, week and day. And start! Try not to devalue your achievements, try to notice them and praise yourself. Feel free to accept support from your relatives and friends.
8) Action Plan.  Set yourself goals before the end of the year (real, it's important) and

Слайд 199) Dating the best person on Earth.

9) Dating the best person on Earth.

Слайд 20Once a week, you need to go to a new

place. Exhibition, Museum, concert, Park, but at least an unfamiliar

coffee shop! Be open and enjoy life always. Take pictures for memory.
Once a week, you need to go to a new place. Exhibition, Museum, concert, Park, but at

Слайд 2110) Move on. When you're ready, start dating. Just enjoy

the communication, the ease, the feeling yourself as a beautiful

woman. And remember: you don't owe anyone anything. And at any time, you can stop what you don't like.
10) Move on.  When you're ready, start dating. Just enjoy the communication, the ease, the feeling

Слайд 22I strongly advise against sleeping with other people to distract

yourself. You will begin to compare in favor of ex

and suffer the pain. But if you really want this man, why not?)
I strongly advise against sleeping with other people to distract yourself. You will begin to compare in

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