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Sergiev Posad Toy Museum

HistoryThe Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad near Moscow was the first toy museum in Europe. It was founded in 1918 by the artist and teacher Nickolay Bartram. At first he organized

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Слайд 1Sergiev Posad

Toy Museum

Maria Samarina,
5th grade student of the Zhelyabovskaya school

Sergiev  Posad

Слайд 2History
The Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad near Moscow was the

first toy museum in Europe. It was founded in 1918

by the artist and teacher Nickolay Bartram. At first he organized a museum in his flat in Moscow. In 1931 the museum moved to Zagorsk, and in 1980 – to Sergiev Posad.
HistoryThe Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad near Moscow was the first toy museum in Europe. It was

Слайд 3Sergiev Posad is called «The Capital of The Toy Kingdom».

In the museum you can see more than 150,000 works

of art from Russia, the West, the East, and America.
Sergiev Posad is called «The Capital of The Toy Kingdom». In the museum you can see more

Слайд 5Matryoshka is the most famous toy of Sergiev Posad. It

appeared more than 100 years ago and became a national

souvenir. The name of this wooden doll comes from the women’s name Matryona.
Matryoshka is the most famous toy of Sergiev Posad. It appeared more than 100 years ago and

Слайд 7In the halls of Russian Toys there are about 800

exhibits of 11th-21st centuries. These are mainly works of folk

artists from different areas of Russia. They are made of clay, wood, paper-mache and textile.
In the halls of Russian Toys there are about 800 exhibits of 11th-21st centuries. These are mainly

Слайд 8The museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 10

a.m. till 5 p.m.

The museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m.

Слайд 9There is a children’s playroom and space for toy master-classes

here. Every Saturday and Sunday visitors can go to different

master-classes. You can paint wooden toys and take them home as a souvenir. Every Sunday you can watch a performance of the Puppet Theatre here.
There is a children’s playroom and space for toy master-classes here. Every Saturday and Sunday visitors can

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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