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Self portrait 1910

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Слайд 2Self portrait 1910

Self portrait 1910

Слайд 3Floor polishers 1911-12

Floor polishers 1911-12

Слайд 4Mower

Mower 1912

Слайд 5Black square
Futuristic exhibition “0,10”
The world is moving to purity,

and in white Suprematism its new being is being born…

a letter to Michail Gerchenzon 1920)

1915 Triptych

Black squareFuturistic exhibition “0,10” The world is moving to purity, and in white Suprematism its new being

Слайд 7Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris) 1887-1965
French architect of swiss origin. Pioneer

of architechtural modernism and functionalism
Le Corbusier's Five Points of Architecture:

free designing of the ground plan
The free design of the facade
Ribbon Window
Roof gardens on a flat roof
Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris) 1887-1965French architect of swiss origin. Pioneer of architechtural modernism and functionalismLe Corbusier's Five

Слайд 8Existed 1919-1933
“Functionalism”-is all that’s utilitary, convenient is beautiful”
1931 former head

of school Hannes Meyer and 7 his pupils leave for


1933 closed by fashist for being “spawn of communism”

Existed 1919-1933“Functionalism”-is all that’s utilitary, convenient is beautiful”1931 former head of school Hannes Meyer and 7 his

Слайд 9Vladimir Tatlin 1885-1953
Godfather of Russian postimpressionism and constructivism

Vladimir Tatlin 1885-1953Godfather of Russian postimpressionism and constructivism

Слайд 11Tatlins tower project 1910 – a colossal monument-building, meant for

Petrograd, to commemorate III International

Tatlins tower project 1910 – a colossal monument-building, meant for Petrograd, to commemorate III International

Слайд 12Alexander Rodchenko and his wife Varvara Stepanova - Russian artist, sculptor, photographer and graphic designer.

Developers of Russian constructivism

Alexander Rodchenko and his wife Varvara Stepanova - Russian artist, sculptor, photographer and graphic designer. Developers of Russian constructivism

Слайд 13Narvskaya – sanctuary of soviet constructivism in Leningrad

Narvskaya – sanctuary of soviet constructivism in Leningrad

Слайд 14School in the name of 10th anniversary of October (284

Was opened 7 November 1927. As well as Traktornaya ensamble

an example of early constructivism.
School in the name of 10th anniversary of October (284 lyceum).Was opened 7 November 1927. As well

Слайд 15Kirovskiy univermag (House of cooperation, kitchen-factory of Kirovckiy district)

Kirovskiy univermag (House of cooperation, kitchen-factory of Kirovckiy district)1929-31

Слайд 16Palace of Culture named after A. M. Gorky
Architechts – Alexander

Gegello and David Krichevskiy
Opened at the same date as Traktornaya

complex and a school

In 1937 Gegello got a Grand-Prix of Parisien Exposition Internationale
des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne

Palace of Culture named after A. M. GorkyArchitechts – Alexander Gegello and David KrichevskiyOpened at the same

Слайд 17House of Soviets of Narva District
1931-1934 - Trozkiy Noi Abramovich
Meant for:

district administration, bank, post office, meeting hall ect.

House of Soviets of Narva District1931-1934 - Trozkiy Noi AbramovichMeant for: district administration, bank, post office, meeting hall

Слайд 18First apartment block of Lensovet 1931-34
Karpovka emb. 13
One of the

first elite living blocks, meant for engineers and best workers.

76 flats with 3-6 rooms each. Some have 2 floors and oak staircase in between
First apartment block of Lensovet 1931-34Karpovka emb. 13One of the first elite living blocks, meant for engineers

Слайд 19Communal house on political prisoners 1929-33
200 flats with 2-3 rooms.

human per room
No private kitchens
Huge gathering spaces

Communal house on political prisoners 1929-33200 flats with 2-3 rooms.1 human per roomNo private kitchensHuge gathering spaces

Слайд 20Moskovskiy district counsil house 1931-35
Most visited offices are in the

central cylinder
Glass-covered central atrium

Moskovskiy district counsil house 1931-35Most visited offices are in the central cylinderGlass-covered central atrium

Слайд 21Electrical substation of “Red Flag” plant 1926-28
In the beginning of

XX century the largest textile factories in Russia (up to

40% of overall production)

In 20s desided to rebuild factory and invited German architect Erich Mendelson. Only this corpus was finished as planned

Pionerskaya 53

Electrical substation of “Red Flag” plant 1926-28In the beginning of XX century the largest textile factories in

Слайд 22Water-tower of “Red Nailer (Красный гвоздильщик)” plant 1929-31
26th line of

Vasilyevskiy is. 6
One of the few embodied projects of Yakov

Water-tower of “Red Nailer (Красный гвоздильщик)” plant 1929-3126th line of Vasilyevskiy is. 6One of the few embodied

Слайд 23That’s all,

That’s all, comrade

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