Разделы презентаций

United States

Capital: WashingtonAdministrative divisions: 50 states,federal District KolumbiaArea: 9,372,614 km2Population: 307.9 million RSD.Population density: 30 osb./km2

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1United States

United States

Слайд 2Capital: Washington
Administrative divisions: 50 states,
federal District Kolumbia
Area: 9,372,614 km2
Population: 307.9

million RSD.
Population density: 30 osb./km2

Capital: WashingtonAdministrative divisions: 50 states,federal District KolumbiaArea: 9,372,614 km2Population: 307.9 million RSD.Population density: 30 osb./km2

Слайд 3Official languages: English
Etnorasovyy composition: white, including Latin Americans 83%, 13%

African Americans, Aborigines - Indians and Eskimos 3%
Religions: Protestant 56%,

Catholic 28%, iudayizm2%, sectarian beliefs
GDP per capita: 33 900 $ U.S.
Currency: Dollar = 100 cents
Official languages: EnglishEtnorasovyy composition: white, including Latin Americans 83%, 13% African Americans, Aborigines - Indians and Eskimos

Слайд 4New York

New York

Слайд 5Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty

Слайд 6San Francisco

San Francisco

Слайд 7Seattle


Слайд 8“The Golden Gate "- a suspension bridge in San Francisco.

“The Golden Gate

Слайд 9The U.S. is rich in unique
landscapes. Some of them

converted into national parks ...

The U.S. is rich in unique landscapes. Some of them converted into national parks ...

Слайд 10Grand Canyonyon

Grand Canyonyon

Слайд 11Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park

Слайд 12Valley of the Presidents

Valley of the Presidents

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