Разделы презентаций

Мастер-класс Father’s Day


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Мастер-класс Father’s Day
педагог дополнительного образования
МБОУ ДО ЦРТДиЮ «Созвездие» г. Калуги
Тимашкова Е.

Мастер-класс Father’s DayСоставилапедагог дополнительного образованияМБОУ ДО ЦРТДиЮ «Созвездие» г. КалугиТимашкова Е. А.

Слайд 3TRUE


Слайд 4FALSE
Father’s Day began to celebrate in honor of a fisherman,

who saved a baby after the storm and grew him

as his own child. In future that boy became a professor of Cambridge…
FALSEFather’s Day began to celebrate in honor of a fisherman, who saved a baby after the storm

Слайд 5TRUE
The idea of celebrating Father’s Day came to a woman

in a church during celebrating Mother’s Day. Her father grew

6 children himself…
TRUEThe idea of celebrating Father’s Day came to a woman in a church during celebrating Mother’s Day.

Слайд 6TRUE
Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June…

TRUEFather’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June…

Слайд 7TRUE
The symbol of Father’s Day is a rosebud…

TRUEThe symbol of Father’s Day is a rosebud…

Слайд 8FALSE
This day men meet in men’s clubs, play games, sing

songs and dance special father’s dance…

FALSEThis day men meet in men’s clubs, play games, sing songs and dance special father’s dance…

Слайд 9FALSE
Traditional presents for men this day are hats and ties

of different colors…

FALSETraditional presents for men this day are hats and ties of different colors…

Слайд 10TRUE
This day Open Golf championship is also organized. Almost all

men like to visit it…

TRUEThis day Open Golf championship is also organized. Almost all men like to visit it…

Слайд 11TRUE
This Day men usually put on T-shirts with sings: «The

Best Father in the World», «Super Grandpa»…

TRUEThis Day men usually put on T-shirts with sings: «The Best Father in the World», «Super Grandpa»…

Слайд 12Now…. Count your scores! And take your prises!
10 – 9

8 – 5 scores

Now…. Count your scores! And take your prises! 10 – 9 scores8 – 5 scores

Слайд 13Happy Father’s Day!!!

Happy Father’s Day!!!

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