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Your money, your future activity

Question 1 -Please tell us how much you agree with the statement : 'I think it's important to save money' Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly

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Слайд 1Your money, your future activity
Read the following statements from

young people talking about what they think about money and

the future, and compare their thoughts with your own.

Check out what other people thought… our survey said:


Your money, your future activity Read the following statements from young people talking about what they think

Слайд 2 Question 1 -Please tell us how much you agree with

the statement : 'I think it's important to save money'
Strongly agree

Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree

Check out what surveys say

Question 1 -Please tell us how much you agree with the statement : 'I think

Слайд 3 Question 1 -Please tell us how much you agree with

the statement : 'I think it's important to save money'
Strongly agree

Agree (43%)
Neither agree nor disagree (9%)
Disagree (1%)
Strongly disagree (1%)

Question 1 -Please tell us how much you agree with the statement : 'I think

Слайд 4Question 2 - Do you agree or disagree with the

statement 'I don't spend money on stuff if I think

I might need the money for something else'?

Neither agree nor disagree

Question 2 - Do you agree or disagree with the statement 'I don't spend money on stuff

Слайд 5Question 2 - Do you agree or disagree with the

statement 'I don't spend money on stuff if I think

I might need the money for something else'?

Agree ( 69%)
Disagree (12%)
Neither agree nor disagree( 19%)

Question 2 - Do you agree or disagree with the statement 'I don't spend money on stuff

Слайд 6Question 3 - Imagine that you visit a bank to

borrow some money, and the bank offers you two options.

Which one would cost you the least, over the long term?

APR (annualized percentage rate)of 20%, pay back over three years.
APR (annualized percentage rate)of 15%, pay back in one year.
Don't know.

Question 3 - Imagine that you visit a bank to borrow some money, and the bank offers

Слайд 7Question 3 - Imagine that you visit a bank to

borrow some money, and the bank offers you two options.

Which one would cost you the least, over the long term?

APR (annualized percentage rate)of 20%, pay back over three years. ( 27%)
APR (annualized percentage rate)of 15%, pay back in one year. (33%)
Don't know. (40%)

Question 3 - Imagine that you visit a bank to borrow some money, and the bank offers

Слайд 8 Question 4 - Which of these do you think it's

okay to borrow money from the bank for?
A house

An MP3 player/iPod
A games console
A bike
A pair of trainers
A camera

Question 4 - Which of these do you think it's okay to borrow money from the

Слайд 9 Question 4 - Which of these do you think it's

okay to borrow money from the bank for?
A house (

A car ( 70%)
An MP3 player/iPod (6%)
A games console (7%)
A bike (7%)
A pair of trainers (4%)
A camera ( 5%)

Question 4 - Which of these do you think it's okay to borrow money from the

Слайд 10 Question 5 - Imagine you go to university: approximately how

much money do you think you might owe, including fees,

when you finish?

Over €50,000
Between €30,000 and €50,000
Between €15,000 and €30,000
Between €5,000 and €15,000
Between €0 and €5,000
Don't know

Question 5 - Imagine you go to university: approximately how much money do you think you

Слайд 11 Question 5 - Imagine you go to university: approximately how

much money do you think you might owe, including fees,

when you finish?

Over €50,000 (7%)
Between €30,000 and €50,000 (6%)
Between €15,000 and €30,000 (14%)
Between €5,000 and €15,000 (31%)
Between €0 and €5,000 ( 24%)
Don't know (26%)

Question 5 - Imagine you go to university: approximately how much money do you think you

Слайд 12 Question 6 - When do you think you would have

to start paying your university debt back?
When I'm over

When I'm between 20 and 30
As soon as I leave university
While I'm at university
Haven't thought about it:
Don't know/ other

Question 6 - When do you think you would have to start paying your university debt

Слайд 13 Question 6 - When do you think you would have

to start paying your university debt back?
Never (2%)
When I'm over

30 ( 1%)
When I'm between 20 and 30 (11%)
As soon as I leave university (20%)
While I'm at university (25%)
Haven't thought about it: (20%)
Don't know/ other (21%)

Question 6 - When do you think you would have to start paying your university debt

Слайд 14Question 7 - How much money, per year, do you

expect to earn at the age of 25?
€0 - €10,000

€11,000 - €20,000
€21,000 - €30,000
€31,000 - €50,000
Over €50,000

Question 7 - How much money, per year, do you expect to earn at the age of

Слайд 15Question 7 - How much money, per year, do you

expect to earn at the age of 25?
€0 - €10,000

€11,000 - €20,000 ( 11%)
€21,000 - €30,000 (22%)
€31,000 - €50,000 (15%)
Over €50,000 (8%)

Question 7 - How much money, per year, do you expect to earn at the age of

Слайд 16Question 8 - Do you ever think that you might

get into debt in the future?
Don't know

know what debt is

Question 8 - Do you ever think that you might get into debt in the future? Yes

Слайд 17Question 8 - Do you ever think that you might

get into debt in the future?
Yes (27%)
No (35%)
Don't know (35%)

know what debt is (3%)

Question 8 - Do you ever think that you might get into debt in the future? Yes

Слайд 18 Question 9 - What forms of debt would concern you

the most?
Credit card debt
A loan from a bank

A loan from family/ friend
A student loan
None of these

Question 9 - What forms of debt would concern you the most? Credit card debt A

Слайд 19 Question 9 - What forms of debt would concern you

the most?
Credit card debt (32%)
A loan from a bank (36%)

overdraft (12%)
A loan from family/ friend (6%)
A student loan (11%)
None of these (3%)

Question 9 - What forms of debt would concern you the most? Credit card debt (32%)A

Слайд 2010. Which of these amounts do you think is a

lot of debt to get into? Choose one option only

than €50,000

10. Which of these amounts do you think is a lot of debt to get into? Choose

Слайд 2110. Which of these amounts do you think is a

lot of debt to get into? Choose one option only

than €50,000 (100%)

10. Which of these amounts do you think is a lot of debt to get into? Choose

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